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Tom Vallely

User Level : Über-Oule
Colleges :

  • Somerville since 2019

Family Tree


Michelmas 2019 The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors Kim
Hilary 2020Channel HoppersTina Hye
Sean Bean
Trinity 2020The Radio Show at the End of the WorldDVORSHAK
Michaelmas 2020Cinderella The MusicalBaron “Bill” Bogoff
Musical Director
Hilary 2021Waiting for George-OBig Kyle
Mr Gains
Younger Sibling


The Radio Show at the End of the World


Cinderella The Musical

  • I Quite Like Thursdays - Lyrics
  • One Way, or Another - Lyrics

Flosscar Wins

2020•Best Couple for Marge and Tina (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Ad-Lib for “Hiya Starks” and Sean Bean's Panto Routine (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Quote from a Script for “But if we are not dramatic, then we will not die?” (Channel Hoppers)
•The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Tina Hye and Sean Bean (Channel Hoppers)

Flosscar Nominations

2020•Best Heroic Character for Sean Bean (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Villainous Character for Kim (The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors)
•Best Morally Ambiguous Character for Tina Hye (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Group/Double Act for Ghostgrabbers (The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors)
•Best Group/Double Act for Marge and Tina (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Group/Double Act for Sean Bean and Alfie (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Spurious Accent for Sean Bean (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Spurious Accent for Tina Hye (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Costume for Ghostgrabber T-Shirts (The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors)
•Best Costume for Sean Bean (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Worst Prop for Tina's 'Evil Tool' (Channel Hoppers)
•Best Cock-Up During a Performance for Unintentionally Putting His Shirt on Backwards as Tina (Channel Hoppers)
member/tom_vallely.1615975721.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/17 10:08 by lily