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Past Shows


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A Plaice in the Sun (Trinity, 2017)


  • Carlotta Codswallop - Bianca “Don’t tickle me, I’m dead” Darolti

The Mundane Five

  • Julian - Matilda “I’m fifteen years old” Tempest (Mansfield)
  • George - Leo “Markus glared at me so I hugged him” Tucker (Wadham)
  • Dick - Benjamin “GREAT BIG BEN KYBETT” Kybett (Magdalen)
  • Anne - Emma “and pirates” Bates (Univ)::
  • Timmy - Timothy “Greatest actor of our generation” Blyton

The Crew of the Miserable Peter

  • Captain Brownbeard - Jasper “Nothing odd about that phrasing” Russell (ex-Merton)
  • Needles - Velina “Do you like my bubblesword?” Robinson (Mansfield)
  • S’You - Judith “What do you mean?” Moore (Balliol)
  • Francois - Efi “Smokes incessantly” Gauthier (St Hugh’s)

The Tourists

The Old Ladies

Betty - Tzveta Pokrovska (Queen’s) “Now I know what Perry feels like” Eileen - Asha Hartland-Asbury (Brasenose) “I thought you said I’d have to act?”

The Piddlers

Barry - Georgia Nicholson (St Hugh’s) “It has a certain elegance” Mike - Adrian Clayton (Hertford (Graduated)) “Candyfloss” Tetra - Naomi Heffer (St Hugh’s College) “The Lone Piddler” Jetsam - George Tall (St Edmund Hall) “Ragarragah”

Assorted Beach Residents

Gladys - Serena Barney “Worst chip shop” Sandra - Ana Pagu (St. Edmund Hall) “Reverse kale” Derek - Neil Suchak (LMH) “You’ve probably never heard of it” Ian - James Marsden (Corpus) “That other donkey!” Lesley - Alexandra Brinkman-Young (St. Anne’s) “Health and Safety violation” Nancy - Erin English (Wadham) “Don’t show your bum to the audience” Brenda - Sofia Gomezllata (St Anne’s) “Viva la donkey revolution” Gacob Jiffiths - Jake Griffiths (Brasenose) “One oar”



Script and Programme

Flosscars Wins

Flosscars Nominations

shows/plaice.1526074371.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/11 21:32 by lily