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It's All Greek To Me (Hilary, 2017)

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The Oxford University Light Entertainment Society is proud to present 'It's All Greek To Me!', an epic (musical) tale of gods and heroes in a quest to stop Hades' questionably realistic evil plans to take over Olympus. Unexpected heroes, mildly terrifying villains, some really dodgy accents, and an enormous amount of wine await!



The (Relatively) Good Immortal Ones

  • Zeus - Markus “Vigorously shaking my thunderbolt” Beeken (brasenose)
  • Athena - Reva “Radiance of divine essence” Butensky
  • Dionysus - Jay “France doesn't exist!” Jivani

The Villainous Immortal Ones

The Heroic Gang

  • Ariadne - Elsa “Pissed at the patriarchy” Kienberger
  • Penelope - Velina “Can my eyebrows go any higher?” Robinson (Mansfield)
  • Helen of Troy - Emma “You can have my autograph later” Bates (Univ)
  • Hercules - Jake “Can go the distance ;)” Griffiths (Brasenose)
  • Theseus - Becky “I regret nothing!” Hicks (Oriel)/ JASON - Bianca Darolti “I regret everything” PERSEUS - Neil Suchak (LMH) “Just kill me now” ==== THIS. IS. SPARTA! ==== MINDAROS - James Marsden (Corpus) “SPARTA!!!” LEONIDAS - Will Mason “Shut up, Mindaros!” STELLIOS - Jasper Russell (ex-Merton) “Shut up, Mindaros.” STELLIOS (TUES) - Leo Tucker (Wadham) “Just a bit strange” ==== Odysseus and Crew ==== ODYSSEUS - Branoc Richards (Magdalen) “I'll learn my lines, honest” TIMON - George Tall (St Edmund Hall) “What a stupid name” PERICLES - Benjamin Kybett (Magdalen) “Ludicrous hack” ALCIBIADES - Tristan Cresswell (Sheffield) “Go with the scary magic lady” ==== Assorted Greeks with Occasional Romans ==== DELPHINE - Sofia Gomezllata (St Anne's) “It's not drugs!” SILENUS - Tom Lear (Ex-Magdalen) “Satyrical” MELLY - Matilda Tempest (Mansfield) “It's not even subtext” MELLY (TUES) - Alexandra Brinkman-Young (St. Anne's) “Shiny new chariot” CLODIA - Alexandra Brinkman-Young (St. Anne's) “I have had enough fake news!” ANTINOUS - Efi Gauthier (St Hugh's) “Playing hard to get” ELATUS - Beth Mabbutt (LMH) “Massive sword” CTESSIPUS - Irina Boeru “Woah, pretty lady” ===== Production ===== ===== Songs ===== ===== Script and Programme ===== ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Nominations =====
shows/greek.1525465237.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/04 20:20 by lily