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Cinderella : The Musical (Michealmas, 2020)

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Cinderella - but not as you know it! A TV talent contest, four ENTIRELY original chefs, and a rather judgmental cat. Will Cinders’ rock-star father ever write a decent song again? (Narrator: “He will not.”). Will the Fairy Godmother break free of Fairyland’s bureaucracy - or will it break her? Will the pumpkins align for our heroine? Not if her scheming stepmother has anything to do with it…

Please be aware, this show may contain a posh person attempting to rap. Watch at your own risk.

The show is free, but we will be fund-raising for charity (Friends of the Earth and the Albert Kennedy Trust). If you are able to donate something, we’ll be super grateful!

The show can be found on YouTube here



  • Director - Branoc “Too awkward to massage” |Richards (Associate MCR at Magdalen)
  • Assistant Director - Em “Abandon the script” Fawcett (Wadham)
  • Writer - Velina “Wriggles with excitement” Robinson (Mansfield)
  • Musical Director - Tom “Obnoxious bugle noises” Vallely (Somerville)
  • Marketing
    • Velina “Elisabeth Jones” Robinson (Mansfield)
    • Tom “I have no mouth, and must meme” Vallely (Somerville)
    • Ana “I need more than beef to survive” Pagu (Linacre)
  • Head Editor - Charlie “Wondering if it was too long” Gill (Green Templeton)
  • Editors


Script and Programme

Flosscars Wins

Flosscars Nominations

shows/cinderella3.1615234431.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/08 20:13 by lily