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Charley's Aunt (Hilary, 2000)

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A comedy in three acts and a dress


  • Jack Chesney (Undergraduate procurer of aunts) - Richard Shaw
  • Charles Wykeham (Undergraduate, pleasantly confused) - James Needham
  • Brasset (Scout, consequently no relation) - Igor Gramatikovski
  • Lord Fancourt Babberly (Most Certainly not Charley's aunt) - Elizabeth Baldwin (Wadham)
  • Kitty Verdun (Suffragette and Jack's beloved) - noga zivan (Wadham)
  • Amy Spettigue (Charley's amour, flower arranger) - Kate Broadhurst
  • Sir Francis Chesney (Bart.) (Late India service (tennis and tea)) - Alexander Runchman
  • Mr. Spettigue (Amy's uncle, Kitty's guardian and bad egg) - Duncan Coutts (Worcester)
  • Donna Lucia D’Alvadorez (Charley's aunt, a woman of means) - Elizabeth Norman
  • Ela Delahay (Lucia's ward, of a romantic disposition) - Rhi Mogridge


  • By - Brandon Thomas

Script and Programme

Flosscars Wins

Best Heroinenoga zivan (Wadham) for Kitty Verdun
Best Bad GuyDuncan Coutts (Worcester) for Stephen Spettigue
Best Love SceneRichard Shaw and noga zivan (Wadham) for “Try me Jack!”
Best Impersonation of a person of the Opposite SexElizabeth Baldwin (Wadham) for Lord Fancourt Babberly
Most Quoted Line“Next term I mean to work!”
Best caricature of oneselfJames Needham for Charley Wykeham
Best special effectCollapsible piano at Greengates nursing home
Best Line LearnerAlex Runchman
Best onstage tantrumJames for losing sense of script and mumbling “Amy, Amy!”
Best offstage tantrumnoga zivan (Wadham) for refusing to kiss Richard Shaw
Best 'fluff' during a performanceLiz for covering up the lost chunk: “Well, it looks like it's up to me to tell my story then!”

Flosscars Nominations

shows/charleys_aunt.1525373452.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/03 18:50 by lily