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Past Shows


Ben Below

User Level : Ex-ÜberOULE
Colleges :

  • Worcester from 2010

Family Tree




Michaelmas 2010Peter Pan The PantomimeSimmons the Bald
Hilary 2011Batman: The PantomimeBert
Trinity 2011Tragedy: A ComedyWitch 3
Michaelmas 2011The Snow QueenMusical Directors
Michaelmas 2013Happily Ever AfterStench
Hilary 2014007: The MusicalQ

Flosscar Wins

2012•Best Ad Lib for “What does this do? Maybe it controls time? Maybe it controls time? Maybe it controls time?” (The Snow Queen)
2013•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Frankenstein and Jekyll (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
•Best Quote (during a show) for “We do the same thing we do every night. Try to take over the RAISING THE DEAD!” (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
2014•Best Double Act/Couple for Evil and Stench (Happily Ever After)

Flosscar Nominations

2012•Best Bad Guy / Villain for The Witches (Tragedy: A Comedy)
•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Jakob and Gregor (The Snow Queen)
•The “Tom Reynolds” Award for most Spurious Accent for Jakob and Gregor (The Snow Queen)
•Best Directing Team (Tragedy: A Comedy)
•Best Directing Team (The Snow Queen)
•Best Song for Science! Zombies! Tsunamis! (The Snow Queen) \ \•Best Song for It's Good To Be Evil (The Snow Queen)
•Best fluff/fuck-up/cock-up during a performance for putting the benches so far upstage in the Ghost Gag that the ghosts couldn't hide properly (The Snow Queen)
•Best Ad Lib for all their lines, none of which were in the script (The Snow Queen)
2013•Best Ad Lib for all their lines, none of which were in the script (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
•Best Ad Lib for “I dropped my handkerchief. And my pen. And…” (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
•The “Dan Artus” Award for Best Worst Line-learner for Frankenstein (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
2014•Best Hero for Q (007: The Musical)
•Best Double Act/Couple for The Fishermen (The Little Mermaid)
•Best Song for The Q Division Way (007: The Musical)
•Best cock-up during a performance for With a little bit of leather and a blehblehasjsfdjhfgjkf I've been drinking. (007: The Musical)
•Best Worst Line-learner for Rod and Baits (Happily Ever After)
•The “Ooh you luvvie” Award for actually being able to act for Stench (Happily Ever After)
member/ben_below.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/07 20:54 by lily