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Past Shows


Aya Matsumoto

User Level : OULE
Colleges :

  • Wadham from 2012

Family Tree


Hilary 2011Batman: The PantomimeTwo-face / Harvey
Trinity 2011Tragedy: A ComedyWitch 2

Flosscar Wins

2011•The “Ooh you luvvie” Award for actually being able to act for Two Face (Batman: The Pantomime)

Flosscar Nominations

2011•Best Bad Guy/Villain for Two-Face (Batman: The Pantomime)
•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Harvey and Two-Face (Batman: The Pantomime)
•Best Portrayal of a Member of the Opposite Sex for Two-Face (Batman: The Pantomime)
•Best Costume for Two-Face jacket (Batman: The Pantomime)
2012•Best Bad Guy / Villain for The Witches (Tragedy: A Comedy)
•Best Directing Team (Tragedy: A Comedy)
member/aya_matsumoto.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/07 15:07 by lily