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Who are we?

Hopefully the questions below should answer any questions you have about OULES. If not, please E-mail our president, Lily.

So what is OULES?

The Oxford University Light Entertainment Society (OULES) is a non-profit making group dedicated to putting on shows for those who cannot normally travel to the theatre, taking plays to special needs schools, hospitals and retirement homes. We are a small, informal group and aim to encourage first time actors, directors and writers. In other words: we put on silly plays with silly people for good reasons.

Do you need to be able to act to join?

No! We take anyone, whatever their experience or ability. We pride ourselves on being the least serious drama group in Oxford, and we spend a good deal of time eating biscuits and having a laugh.

But that doesn't mean our plays aren't worth seeing: we have great scripts, wonderful directors and songwriters, and a collection of very talented actors who accidentally found their way in. Besides, it's loads of fun watching a play when everyone on-stage is clearly enjoying themselves!

No. You want OUDS for that. Everything we do is Lightly Entertaining. See?

who.1520872784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/12 16:39 by leo