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Markus Beeken

User Level : Ex-ÜberOULE
Colleges :

  • brasenose from 2015


Michaelmas 2016Evil Stepmothers’ ClubMusical Director
Hilary 2017It’s All Greek To MeZeus
Trinity 2017A Plaice in the SunDirection/Production
Hilary 2018The Sensational Story of the SplashHulk/Bruce Banner
Justice Foreman


Fairest of them All

  • Maybe Kinda Like You Sorta

Evil Stepmothers’ Club

  • The Evil Stepmothers' Club
  • Lots of Leather and Ass-less Chaps
  • Final Song

Flosscar Wins

2018•Best Directing Team (A Plaice in the Sun)
•Best Script (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Worst Prop for the Hole (A Plaice in the Sun)
•Best Quote from a Script for “Pineapple juice is a pathetic excuse for a drink and you’re a pathetic excuse for a man!” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)

Flosscar Nominations

2016•Best Song for Maybe Kinda Like You Sorta (Fairest of them All)
2017•Best Morally Ambiguous Person for Zeus (It’s All Greek To Me)
•Best Song for This Hero's Day (It’s All Greek To Me)
•Best Song for Lots of Leather and Assless Chaps (Evil Stepmothers’ Club)
•Best Costume for Zeus's Nipples (It’s All Greek To Me)
2018•Best Morally Ambiguous Character for Justice Foreman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Group/ Double Act for The Avengers (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Marketing Campaign (A Plaice in the Sun)
•Best Worst Prop for the Plastic Bag treasure chest (A Plaice in the Sun)
•Best Worst Prop for the Explosion Rubble (A Plaice in the Sun)
•Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for forgetting basically every prop (A Plaice in the Sun)
•Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for taking too long with a costume change and leaving George to improvising being beat up (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Audience Participation/Heckle for “It’s not a soliloquy, it’s an aside” (Let's Kill Santa)
•Best Quote from a Script for “Evil is brewing and we’re the masters of the kettle” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Quote from a Script for “You’re an idiotic pubescent hothead with an internal supersoaker” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Quote from a Script for “Secondary villains, deal with them” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Quote from a Script for “Secondary villains, deal with them” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Quote from a Script for all the coffee puns (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Quote from a Script for “and I called her…ROSITA!” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•Best Quote from a Script for “Seems…Counterproductive” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner for Bruce Banner and the Judge (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
•The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for filling in for Producer and Stage Manager (A Plaice in the Sun)
member/markus_beeken.1530826448.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/05 21:34 by lily