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Flosscars 2018

Flosscars are our annual awards for acting, failing to act, writing, failing to write, and generally anything we feel deserves an award at the time. Feel free to browse our archives of Flosscars in years gone past as well as using this page in Trinity of each year to nominate and vote for that year's Flosscars!

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Best Heroic Character


  • Bianca Darolti for Carlotta Codswollop (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Ben Kybett for Dick (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Becky Hicks for Elizabeth (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Mark Simonitis for The Splash (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Lily Miles for Emily Wright (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Emma New for Batman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Ana Pagu for Aquaman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Will Ainsworth for Hawkeye (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Nick Robinson for Superman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)

Best Villainous Character


  • Jasper Rose Russell for Captain Brownbeard (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Georgia Nicholson for Barry Man-O-War (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Emma New for Santa (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Efi Gauthier for Douglas Capitalism Black (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Berenika Kotełko for Cupcake (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Lily Miles for Muffin (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Jasper Rose Russell for Krampus (Let’s Kill Santa)
  • Emma Bates for The Barista (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • George Tall for The Joker (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Tzevta Pokrovska for Harley Quinn (The Sensational Story of the Splash)

Best Morally Ambigous Character


  • Efi Gauthier for Francois (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • George Tall for Captain Jetsam (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Judith Moore for S'You (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Will Mason for Bames Jond (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Jake Griffiths for Vyclaudius Delamode (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Lily Miles for The Easter Bunny (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Leo Tucker for Jack Frost (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Em Fawcett for Margaret Washington (Let’s Kill Santa)
  • Markus Beeken for Justice Foreman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Efi Gauthier for Imgoen Smiley (The Sensational Story of the Splash)

Best Group/ Double Act


  • Asha Hartland-Asbury and Tzveta Pokrovska for Betty and Eileen (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Matilda Tempest, Ben Kybett, Leo Tucker and Emma Bates for the Mundane Five (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Perry Hartland-Asbury and Elsa Kienburger for Mandy and Andy (A Plaice in the Sun)
  • Will Mason, George Tall, Em Fawcett and Tom Saer for QWERTY (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Stephen Walsh, Jack Slater, Velina Robinson and Jake Griffiths for the Reindeer Police (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Berenika Kotełko and Lily Miles for The Confectionary Duo (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Leo Tucker and Lily Miles for Jack Frost and Easter Bunny (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Emma Bates, Tzveta Pokrovska and Matilda Tempest for the Elves (Let’s Kill Santa)
  • Jake Griffiths, Em Fawcett, Jasper Rose Russell, Markus Beeken, Velina Robinson and Will Ainsworth for The Avengers (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Nick Robinson, Emma New and Connie Chen for the Justice League (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Tzveta Pokrovska and George Tall for The Joker and Harley Quinn (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Mark Simonitis and Lily Miles for The Splash and Emily (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Mark Simonitis and Lily Miles for The Splash and Emily (The Sensational Story of the Splash)

Best Couple


  • Jake Griffiths and Stephen Walsh for Vyclaudius and Rudolph (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Berenika Kotełko and Lily Miles for Cupcake and Muffin (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Erin English and Will Ainsworth for Elwrong and Bob (Let's Kill Santa)
  • Mark Simonitis and Lily Miles for The Splash and Emily (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Rebecca Barton and Ana Pagu for David and Lisa Wright (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Tzveta Pokrovska and George Tall for The Joker and Harley Quinn (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Emma New and Nick Robinson for Batman and Superman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Emma New and Efi Gauthier for Batman and Imogen Smiley (The Sensational Story of the Splash)
  • Velina Robinson and Connie Chen for Black Widow and Wonder Woman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)

Best Spurius Accent


Best Directing Team


Best Script


Best Marketing Campaign


Best Song


Best Costume


Best Worst Prop


Best Best Prop


Best Cock-Up During a Performance


Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal


Best Ad-Lib


Best Audience Participation/Heckle


Best Quote from a Script


The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner


The "Ooh You Luvvie" Award for Actually Being Able to Act


The 'Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty


flosscars/2018.1527278351.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/25 19:59 by lily