User Level : Ex-ÜberOULE
Colleges :
Term | Show | Part/Role |
Hilary 2011 | Batman: The Pantomime | Mad Hatter |
Trinity 2011 | Tragedy: A Comedy | Banquo Producer |
Michaelmas 2011 | The Snow Queen | Assistant Producer Lumi |
Michaelmas 2013 | Happily Ever After | Tree |
Hilary 2014 | 007: The Musical | Sabrina Auctioneer Producer |
Trinity 2014 | Why, Jeeves | Posters |
Michaelmas 2015 | Fairest of them All | Technical Director |
Hilary 2016 | Let’s Steal the Crown Jewels | Technical Director |
Michaelmas 2016 | Evil Stepmothers’ Club | Technical Director |
2012 | •Best Portrayal of a Member of the Opposite Sex for The Chaplain (Piracy!) •Best Prop for The Magic Mirror (The Snow Queen) •Best Prop for The Balcony (Tragedy: A Comedy) |
2013 | •Best Directing Team (Narnia! (or Lions! Witches! Furniture!)) |
2014 | •The “Beyond the Call of Duty” Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for Filling in for multiple roles (007: The Musical) |
2017 | •The 'Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for Doing the lighting for ESC with less than a day to read the script (Evil Stepmothers’ Club) |