User Level : OULE
Colleges :
Term | Show | Part/Role |
Hilary 2004 | Dracula | Dracula |
Trinity 2004 | The Canterbury Tales | Squire |
Michaelmas 2005 | Dick Whittington | Guard 2 |
Michaelmas 2006 | Cinderella | Courtier/Rah |
Hilary 2008 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Rome | Cerberus |
2004 | •Best Corpse: for Dracula (and specifically for wonderful urgling in Bohemian Rapsody) (Dracula) |
2004 | •Best Villain: for Dracula (Dracula) |
2005 | •Best villain: for Desgas (The Scarlet Pimpernel) •Best quote: for “I very nearly fit into Laurie's cupboard.” |
2008 | •Best Person as an animal for Cerberus |