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shows:fota [2018/04/14 20:28]
lily [Flosscars Wins]
shows:fota [2020/07/12 20:23] (current)
Line 18: Line 18:
   * **Remus** - [[member:​Leo Tucker|Leo]] //"Um, boss?"//​ [[member:​Leo Tucker|Tucker]] //​(Wadham)// ​   * **Remus** - [[member:​Leo Tucker|Leo]] //"Um, boss?"//​ [[member:​Leo Tucker|Tucker]] //​(Wadham)// ​
   * **Fenrir** - Benedict //"​Other vicious things"//​ George   * **Fenrir** - Benedict //"​Other vicious things"//​ George
-  * **Lupus** (Mon, Thurs) - [[member:​Jasper ​Russel|Jasper]] //"​meaty"//​ [[member:​Jasper Russell|Russell]] //​(Merton)//​+  * **Lupus** (Mon, Thurs) - [[member:​Jasper ​Rose Russell|Jasper ​Rose]] //"​meaty"//​ [[member:​Jasper ​Rose Russell|Russell]] //​(Merton)//​
   * **Lupus** (Tues) - [[member:​Kiwi Apteryx-Tokoeka|Kiwi]] //"​delicious face"//​ [[member:​Kiwi Apteryx-Tokoeka|Apteryx-Tokoeka]] //(Charles Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters)// ​   * **Lupus** (Tues) - [[member:​Kiwi Apteryx-Tokoeka|Kiwi]] //"​delicious face"//​ [[member:​Kiwi Apteryx-Tokoeka|Apteryx-Tokoeka]] //(Charles Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters)// ​
 ==== Prince Charming'​s Retinue ==== ==== Prince Charming'​s Retinue ====
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 ==== The Fairy Tutorial Group ==== ==== The Fairy Tutorial Group ====
-  * **Fairy Godmother** - [[member:​Beth ​Mabbut|Beth]] //"​sexy,​ dark and brooding"//​ [[member:​Beth ​Mabbut|Mabbut]] //​(LMH)// ​+  * **Fairy Godmother** - [[member:​Beth ​Mabbutt|Beth]] //"​sexy,​ dark and brooding"//​ [[member:​Beth ​Mabbutt|Mabbutt]] //​(LMH)// ​
   * **Applepip** - [[member:​Tristan Cresswell|Tristan]] //"​comparative ethics"//​ [[member:​Tristan Cresswell|Cresswell]] //​(Sheffield)// ​   * **Applepip** - [[member:​Tristan Cresswell|Tristan]] //"​comparative ethics"//​ [[member:​Tristan Cresswell|Cresswell]] //​(Sheffield)// ​
   * **Cherryblossom** - [[member:​Patrick Kidger|Patrick]] //"The horror! The horror!"//​ [[member:​Patrick Kidger|Kidger]] //​(Magdalen)// ​   * **Cherryblossom** - [[member:​Patrick Kidger|Patrick]] //"The horror! The horror!"//​ [[member:​Patrick Kidger|Kidger]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
Line 54: Line 54:
   * **Lumberjack** - [[member:​Brigitte Stenhouse|Brigitte]] //"​I'​m a lumberjack"//​ [[member:​Brigitte Stenhouse|Stenhouse]] //​(Somerville)//​   * **Lumberjack** - [[member:​Brigitte Stenhouse|Brigitte]] //"​I'​m a lumberjack"//​ [[member:​Brigitte Stenhouse|Stenhouse]] //​(Somerville)//​
-  * **Edna Ville-Wytch** - [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"​turning it off and on again"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​Magdalen//​  +  * **Edna Ville-Wytch** - [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"​turning it off and on again"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​Magdalen//​  
-  * **Jim, The Sheepboy** - [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"​makes shepherding FUN!"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​Magdalen// ​+  * **Jim, The Sheepboy** - [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"​makes shepherding FUN!"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​Magdalen// ​
 ==== Scared Children ==== ==== Scared Children ====
Line 66: Line 66:
   * **Tree #1** - [[member:​Anna Spearing-Ewyn|Anna]] //"​Branching out"// [[member:​Anna Spearing-Ewyn|Spearing-Ewyn]] //(St. John's College)// ​   * **Tree #1** - [[member:​Anna Spearing-Ewyn|Anna]] //"​Branching out"// [[member:​Anna Spearing-Ewyn|Spearing-Ewyn]] //(St. John's College)// ​
   * **Tree #2** - [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Sofia]] //"​Wood you believe it?"// [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Gomezllata]] //(St Anne'​s)// ​   * **Tree #2** - [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Sofia]] //"​Wood you believe it?"// [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Gomezllata]] //(St Anne'​s)// ​
-  * **Tree #3** - [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"​Barking up the wrong tree"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​(Magdalen)// ​+  * **Tree #3** - [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"​Barking up the wrong tree"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
 ==== Fauna ==== ==== Fauna ====
-  * **Fluffles** - [[meber:Adrian Clayton|Adrian]] //"​Woof!"//​ [[member:​Adrian Clayton|Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​+  * **Fluffles** - [[member:Adrian Clayton|Adrian]] //"​Woof!"//​ [[member:​Adrian Clayton|Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​
 ==== Narrator ==== ==== Narrator ====
Line 80: Line 80:
   * **Director** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //"​NEPOTISM!"//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​   * **Director** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //"​NEPOTISM!"//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​
   * **Assistant Director** - [[member:​Sebastian Fox|Sebastian]] //"Now we just have to deal with the stiff"//​ [[member:​Sebastian Fox|Fox]] //​(Mansfield)// ​   * **Assistant Director** - [[member:​Sebastian Fox|Sebastian]] //"Now we just have to deal with the stiff"//​ [[member:​Sebastian Fox|Fox]] //​(Mansfield)// ​
-  * **Writer #2** - [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"I have had an idea"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​(Magdalen)// ​+  * **Writer #2** - [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"I have had an idea"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
   * **Writer #1** - [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Benjamin]] //"Oh no, not again"//​ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)// ​   * **Writer #1** - [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Benjamin]] //"Oh no, not again"//​ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
   * **Stage Manager** - [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Benjamin]] //"Oh blimey, that's complicated"//​ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)// ​   * **Stage Manager** - [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Benjamin]] //"Oh blimey, that's complicated"//​ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
-  * **Producer** - [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"​hashtag eft-oh-tee-ay"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​(Magdalen)// ​+  * **Producer** - [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"​hashtag eft-oh-tee-ay"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
   * **Technical Director** - [[member:​Morgan Wilkinson|Morgan]] //"​Evil wash"//​ [[member:​Morgan Wilkinson|Wilkinson]] //​(Hertford)//​ //"​Evil wash"//​   * **Technical Director** - [[member:​Morgan Wilkinson|Morgan]] //"​Evil wash"//​ [[member:​Morgan Wilkinson|Wilkinson]] //​(Hertford)//​ //"​Evil wash"//​
   * **Technical Advisor** - [[member:​James Marsden|James]] //"​Just ask"// [[member:​James Marsden|Marsden]] //​(Corpus)// ​   * **Technical Advisor** - [[member:​James Marsden|James]] //"​Just ask"// [[member:​James Marsden|Marsden]] //​(Corpus)// ​
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 All music arranged and played by Cameron Alsop //(St Catherine'​s)//​ //"I know what key I'm playing in"// All music arranged and played by Cameron Alsop //(St Catherine'​s)//​ //"I know what key I'm playing in"//
-  * **The Big Bad Wolf Song** - [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"​This was Ben’s idea"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​(Magdalen)// ​ and [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Cameron]] //"​there is a fifth chord!"//​ [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Alsop]] //(St Catherine'​s)//​  +  * **The Big Bad Wolf Song** - [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"​This was Ben’s idea"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​(Magdalen)// ​ and [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Cameron]] //"​there is a fifth chord!"//​ [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Alsop]] //(St Catherine'​s)//​  
-  * **I'm Red Riding Hood, Bitch** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //"You can’t say balls!"//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:Tom Lear|Tom]] //"​Like Avril Lavigne but better"//​ [[member:Tom Lear|Lear]] //​(Magdalen)// ​+  * **I'm Red Riding Hood, Bitch** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //"You can’t say balls!"//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:Katie Moore|Katie]] //"​Like Avril Lavigne but better"//​ [[member:Katie Moore|Moore]] //​(Magdalen)// ​
   * **Marry Me! (The Charming Song)** - [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Cameron]] //"how do you feel about 5/​8?"//​ [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Alsop]] //(St Catherine'​s)// ​   * **Marry Me! (The Charming Song)** - [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Cameron]] //"how do you feel about 5/​8?"//​ [[member:​Cameron Alsop|Alsop]] //(St Catherine'​s)// ​
   * **The Bark Is As Bad As The Bite** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //"you make me happy in my soul tank"//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​   * **The Bark Is As Bad As The Bite** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //"you make me happy in my soul tank"//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​
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 ===== Script and Programme ===== ===== Script and Programme =====
 +{{ :​shows:​fota_script.pdf |}}
 ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Wins =====
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 | **Best Double Act / Couple** | [[member: Georgia Nicholson]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​ and Iarla Manny for Prince Charming and Humphrey | | **Best Double Act / Couple** | [[member: Georgia Nicholson]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​ and Iarla Manny for Prince Charming and Humphrey |
 | **Best Directing Team** | [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member: Sebastian Fox]] //​(Mansfield)//​ | | **Best Directing Team** | [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member: Sebastian Fox]] //​(Mansfield)//​ |
-| **Best Writer(s)** | [[member: ​Tom Lear]] //​(Magdalen)//​ and [[member: Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ |+| **Best Writer(s)** | [[member: ​Katie Moore]] //​(Magdalen)//​ and [[member: Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ |
 | **Best Song** | [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for Bark is as Bad as the Bite (Big Bad Wolf Song) | | **Best Song** | [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for Bark is as Bad as the Bite (Big Bad Wolf Song) |
-| **Best Costume** | [[member: Kiwi Apteryx-Tokoeka]] //(Charles Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters)//​ and Laura Hankins]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Rapunzel'​s Wig |+| **Best Costume** | [[member: Kiwi Apteryx-Tokoeka]] //(Charles Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters)//​ and [[member:Laura Hankins]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Rapunzel'​s Wig |
 | **Best Worst Prop** | [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for the Tiny Ladder | | **Best Worst Prop** | [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for the Tiny Ladder |
 | **Best Best Prop** | [[member: Georgie Atton]] //​(Somerville)//​ for all of the books | | **Best Best Prop** | [[member: Georgie Atton]] //​(Somerville)//​ for all of the books |
Line 120: Line 120:
 | **Best Heroine** | [[member:​Georgie Atton]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Little Blue Riding Hood | | **Best Heroine** | [[member:​Georgie Atton]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Little Blue Riding Hood |
-| **Best Villain** | [[member: Jasper Russell]] //​(Merton)//​ for Lupus |+| **Best Villain** | [[member: Jasper ​Rose Russell]] //​(Merton)//​ for Lupus |
 | **Best Morally Ambiguous Person** | [[member: Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH)// for Fairy Godmother | | **Best Morally Ambiguous Person** | [[member: Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH)// for Fairy Godmother |
 | **Best Double Act / Couple** | Elle Mawson and [[member:​Georgie Atton]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Little Red and Little Blue Riding Hoods \\ Elle Mawson and [[member: Branoc Richards]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Little Red Riding Hood and the Wizard \\ Emily Tench and [[member: Laura Hankins]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Princess Charming and Rapunzel | | **Best Double Act / Couple** | Elle Mawson and [[member:​Georgie Atton]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Little Red and Little Blue Riding Hoods \\ Elle Mawson and [[member: Branoc Richards]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Little Red Riding Hood and the Wizard \\ Emily Tench and [[member: Laura Hankins]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Princess Charming and Rapunzel |
-| **Best Song** | [[member: ​Tom Lear]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Red Riding Hood, Bitch \\ [[member: Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for Maybe Kinda Like You Sorta \\ [[member: Cameron Alsop]] //(St Catherine'​s)//​ for Marry Me! |+| **Best Song** | [[member:Katie Moore]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Red Riding Hood, Bitch \\ [[member: Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for Maybe Kinda Like You Sorta \\ [[member: Cameron Alsop]] //(St Catherine'​s)//​ for Marry Me! |
 | **Best Costume** | [[member: Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​ for Fluffles \\ [[member: Patrick Kidger]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Cherryblossom \\ [[member: Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH)// for Fairy Godmother | | **Best Costume** | [[member: Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​ for Fluffles \\ [[member: Patrick Kidger]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Cherryblossom \\ [[member: Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH)// for Fairy Godmother |
 | **Best Worst Prop** | [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for the House of Straw(s) | | **Best Worst Prop** | [[member: Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for the House of Straw(s) |
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 | **Best Worst Line-Learner** | [[member: Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​ | | **Best Worst Line-Learner** | [[member: Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​ |
 | **The 'Ooh you luvvie'​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act** | [[member: Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for the Big Bad Wolf \\ Iarla Manny for Humphrey \\ [[member: Georgia Nicholson]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​ for Prince Charming | | **The 'Ooh you luvvie'​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act** | [[member: Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for the Big Bad Wolf \\ Iarla Manny for Humphrey \\ [[member: Georgia Nicholson]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​ for Prince Charming |
-| **The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty** | [[member: ​Tom Lear]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for the advertising campaign |+| **The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty** | [[member: ​Katie Moore]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for the advertising campaign |
-{{tag>"tom moore" ​show}}+{{tag>​show}}
shows/fota.1523737714.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/14 20:28 by lily