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Adrian Clayton

User Level :OULE
Colleges :

Family Tree




Michaelmas 2011The Snow QueenShöve
Michaelmas 2013Happily Ever AfterMother
Trinity 2014Why, JeevesLenny (Tuesday)
Hilary 2015Intrepid!Lord Carmichael
Michaelmas 2015Fairest of them AllFluffles
Hilary 2016Let’s Steal the Crown JewelsTom Fuse
Michaelmas 2016Evil Stepmothers’ ClubHansel
Trinity 2017A Plaice in the SunMike

Flosscar Wins

2013•Best fluff/fuck-up/cock-up during a performance for “I shall go freestyle… I mean freelance!” (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
2015•Best Worst Line-learner for any show he is in…

Flosscar Nominations

2012•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Püsh and Shöve (The Snow Queen)
•Best fluff/fuck-up/cock-up during a performance for swearing in front of the brownies (The Snow Queen)
2013•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Holmes and Watson (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
•Best Directing Team (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
•Best Prop for Sarcophagus (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)
2014•Best Portrayal of a Member of the Opposite Sex for Mother (Happily Ever After)
2015•Best Ad Lib for Attempting to will bacon into existence (Intrepid!)
2016•Best Hero for Tom Fuse (Let’s Steal the Crown Jewels)
•Best Costume for Fluffles (Fairest of them All)
•Best Ad-Lib for 'I always loved you!' (Fairest of them All)
•Best Worst Line-Learner (Fairest of them All)
2017•Best Double/Group Act for Hansel and Gretel (Evil Stepmothers’ Club)