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shows:splash [2018/05/20 10:28]
lily [Songs]
shows:splash [2018/10/19 10:04]
leo [Script and Programme] Got Rid of script because it had my old notes, will replave it later today
Line 9: Line 9:
 ===== Cast ===== ===== Cast =====
-Our hero and friends +==== Our hero and friends ​====
-Splash/Tim Blyton Mark “Best Superhero Ever” Simonitis +
-Emily Wright Lily “I’m surrounded by idiots” Miles +
-David Wright Rebecca “James Buchanan” Fulton +
-Lisa Wright Ana “Needs to sort out her priorities” Pagu+
- The Villains +  * **Splash/​Tim Blyton** - [[member:​Mark Simonitis|Mark]] //Best Superhero Ever// [[member:​Mark Simonitis|Simonitis]] //(Keble)// 
-Barista Emma Cup size… geddit??” Bates +  * **Emily Wright** - [[member:​Lily Miles|Lily]] //Im surrounded by idiots// [[member:​Lily Miles|Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ 
-Joker George ​Youve got to be joking” Tall +  * **David Wright** - [[member:​Rebecca Barton|Rebecca]] //James Buchanan// [[member:​Rebecca Barton|Barton]] //​(Regent’s Park)// 
-Harley Quinn Tzveta ​Intertzvention” Pokrovska +  * **Lisa Wright** - [[member:​Ana Pagu|Ana]] //Needs to sort out her priorities// [[member:​Ana Pagu|Pagu]] //(St. Edmund Hall)//
-Mystique Matilda ​Not spontaneously funny” Tempest +
-Loki Val “Intent on fratricide” Gladkova+
- The Avengers 
-Captain America Em “I said assemble, not sing!” Fawcett 
-Iron Man Jacob “Arc-reactor-related thrush” Griffiths 
-Hulk/Bruce Banner Markus “Gutural scream” Beeken 
-Thor Jasper-Rose “Take cover!” Russell 
-Black Widow Velina “Typecast as the sassy one” Robinson 
-Hawkeye Will “At least the arrows have a point” Ainsworth 
- The Justice League +==== The Villains ====
-Superman Nick “Light in the darkness” Richardson +
-Batman Emma “Abs or hernias?” New +
-Wonder Woman Connie “Glare” Chen +
-Aquaman Ana “Heavily implied manatee action” Pagu+
-Miscellaneous +  * **Barista** - [[member:​Emma Bates|Emma]] //Cup size… geddit??// [[member:​Emma Bates|Bates]] //(Univ)// 
-Lois Lane Judith ​Suggestive eyebrow raise” Moore +  * **Joker** - [[member:​George Tall|George]] //You’ve got to be joking// [[member:​George Tall|Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// 
-Madame Zelda Distress Beth I am a diva!” Mabbutt +  * **Harley Quinn** - [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska|Tzveta]] //Intertzvention// [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska|Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ 
-Abbie Longworth Anna Batman is my everything” White +  * **Mystique** ​[[member:​Matilda Tempest|Matilda]] //Not spontaneously funny// [[member:​Matilda Tempest|Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//​ 
-Arnie Shortworth Will “The bat-signal is only for emergencies! +  * **Loki** - [[member:​Valeriia Gladkova|Valeriia]] //Intent on fratricide// [[member:​Valeriia Gladkova|Gladkova]] //​(Merton)//​
-Ainsworth +
-Imogen Smiley Efi INCONVENIENT?​!” Gauthier +
-Justice Foreman Markus ​Lawful neutral” Beeken+
 +==== The Avengers ====
 +  * **Captain America** - [[member:Em Fawcett|Em]] //“I said assemble, not sing!”// [[member:Em Fawcett|Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)//​
 +  * **Iron Man** - [[member:​Jake Griffiths|Jake]] //​“Arc-reactor-related thrush”// [[member:​Jake Griffiths|Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​
 +  * **Hulk/​Bruce Banner** - [[member:​Markus Beeken|Markus]] //​“Gutural scream”// [[member:​Markus Beeken|Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​
 +  * **Thor** - [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell|Jasper Rose]] //“Take cover!”// [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell|Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​
 +  * **Black Widow** - [[member:​Velina Robinson|Velina]] //​“Typecast as the sassy one”// [[member:​Velina Robinson|Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)//​
 +  * **Hawkeye** - [[member:​Will Ainsworth|Will]] //“At least the arrows have a point”// [[member:​Will Ainsworth|Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)//
 +==== The Justice League ====
 +  * **Superman** - [[member:​Nick Richardson|Nick]] //“Light in the darkness”//​ [[member:​Nick Richardson|Richardson]] //(Real Boy)//
 +  * **Batman** - [[member:​Emma New|Emma]] //“Abs or hernias?​”//​ [[member:​Emma New|New]] //(St Hildas)//
 +  * **Wonder Woman** - [[member:​Connie Chen|Connie]] //​“Glare”//​ [[member:​Connie Chen|Chen]] //(St Anne’s)//
 +  * **Aquaman** - [[member:​Ana Pagu|Ana]] //​“Heavily implied manatee action”// [[member:​Ana Pagu|Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)//
 +==== Miscellaneous =====
 +  * **Lois Lane** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //​“Suggestive eyebrow raise”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **Madame Zelda Distress** - [[member:​Beth Mabbutt|Beth]] //“I am a diva!”// [[member:​Beth Mabbutt|Mabbutt]] //(LMH Alumnus)//
 +  * **Abbie Longworth** - Anna //“Batman is my everything”//​ White
 +  * **Arnie Shortworth** - [[member:​Will Ainsworth|Will]] //“The bat-signal is only for emergencies!“//​ [[member:​Will Ainsworth|Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)//
 +  * **Imogen Smiley** - [[member:​Efi Gauthier|Efi]] //​“INCONVENIENT?​!”//​ [[member:​Efi Gauthier|Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)//
 +  * **Justice Foreman** - [[member:​Markus Beeken|Markus]] //“Lawful neutral”//​ [[member:​Markus Beeken|Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​
 ===== Production ===== ===== Production =====
-Director Leo “There’s this thing called acting” Tucker +  * **Director** - [[member:​Leo Tucker|Leo]] //“There’s this thing called acting”// [[member:​Leo Tucker|Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ 
-Assistant Director Becky “Unintelligible mumbling” Hicks +  * **Assistant Director** - [[member:Becky Hicks|Becky]] //“Unintelligible mumbling”// [[member:​Becky ​Hicks|Hicks]] //(Oriel)// 
-Writers Markus “I’m sorry” Beeken +  * **Writers** - 
-Lily “I’m not” Miles +    * [[member:​Markus Beeken|Markus]] //“I’m sorry”// [[member:​Markus Beeken|Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ 
-Producers Ana “How many posters can I have?” Pagu +    * [[member:Lily Miles|Lily]] //“I’m not”// [[member:​Lily Miles|Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ 
-Tom “I did sweet FA” Moore +  * **Producers** - 
-Musical Director Judith “Jerome?​” Moore +    * [[member:Ana Pagu|Ana]] //“How many posters can I have?”// [[member:​Ana ​Pagu|Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// 
-Stage Manager Becky “Silly string or party poppers??​” Hicks +    * [[member:​Tom Moore|Tom]] //“I did sweet FA”// [[member:​Tom ​Moore|Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ 
-Lighting Technicians James “Came to the rescue” Marsden +  * **Musical Director** - [[member:Judith ​Moore|Judith]] //“Jerome?​”// [[member:​Judith ​Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ 
-Tom “Put the right-looking plugs in the rightlooking +  * **Stage Manager** - [[member:Becky Hicks|Becky]] //“Silly string or party poppers??​”// [[member:​Becky ​Hicks|Hicks]] //(Oriel)// 
-holes” Moore+  * **Lighting Technicians** - 
 +    * [[member:​James Marsden|James]] //“Came to the rescue”// [[member:​James ​Marsden|Marsden]] //​(ex-Corpus)//​ 
 +    * [[member:​Tom Moore|Tom]] //“Put the right-looking plugs in the rightlooking holes”// [[member:​Tom ​Moore|Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ 
 ===== Songs ===== ===== Songs =====
-Trust in the Barista” +  * **Trust in the Barista** - [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury|Perry]] //“The Chap at The Piano”// [[member:​Perry ​Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ 
-Perry “The Chap at The Piano” Hartland-Asbury +  * **Avengers, assemble!** - [[member:​Lily Miles|Lily]] //“What rhymes with ‘Assemble’?​”// [[member:​Lily Miles|Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ 
-Avengers, assemble!” +  * **Allegation sensation** - [[member:Judith ​Moore|Judith]] //“Flappy arms”// [[member:​Judith ​Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ 
-Lily “What rhymes with ‘Assemble’?​” Miles +  * **I am a diva** - [[member:Judith ​Moore|Judith]] //“Rhymes are hard”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ 
-Allegation sensation” +  * **Splash'Lament** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“Love you really Mark”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ 
-Judith “Flappy arms” Moore +  * **Being a Hero** - [[member:Emma New|Emma]] //“Dolphins!”// [[member:​Emma ​New|New]] //(St Hildas)// 
-I am a diva” +  * **Final song** - [[member:Judith ​Moore|Judith]] //“Oh no not again”// [[member:​Judith ​Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
-Judith “Rhymes are hard” Moore +
-Splashlament” +
-Judith “Love you really Mark” Moore +
-Being a hero” +
-Emma “Dolphins!” New +
-Final song +
-Judith “Oh no not again” Moore +
-===== Script and Programme =====+
 +===== Script and Programme =====
 +This has been temporarily removed. It will be back later today, there were some notes on the file that should not have been there.
 ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Wins =====
 +|**Best Heroic Character**|[[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// for The Splash|
 +|**Best Villainous Character**|[[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for The Barista|
 +|**Best Couple**|[[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ and [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker and Harley Quinn|
 +|**Best Script**|[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for The Sensational Story of the Splash|
 +|**Best Marketing Campaign**|[[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Tom Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ for The Sensational Story of the Splash|
 +|**Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal**|[[member:​James Marsden]] //​(ex-Corpus)//,​ [[member:​Tom Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ and the History Boy's lighting technician for the Lights|
 +|**Best Quote from a Script**|[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for "​Pineapple juice is a pathetic excuse for a drink and you're a pathetic excuse for a man!"|
 +|** The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty**|The cast for taking over when lights failed|
 ===== Flosscars Nominations ===== ===== Flosscars Nominations =====
 +|**Best Heroic Character**|[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for Emily Wright \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Batman \\ [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for Aquaman \\ [[member:​Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for Hawkeye \\ [[member:​Nick Richardson]] //(Real Boy)// for Superman|
 +|** Best Villainous Character**|[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker \\ [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for Harley Quinn|
 +|** Best Morally Ambiguous Character**|[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for Justice Foreman \\ [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Imgoen Smiley|
 +|**Best Group/ Double Act**|[[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:Em Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)//,​ [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Velina Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)//​ and [[member:​Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Avengers \\ [[member:​Nick Richardson]] //(Real Boy)//, [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:​Connie Chen]] //(St Anne’s)// for the Justice League \\ [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ and [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker and Harley Quinn \\ [[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for The Splash and Emily \\ Anna White and [[member:​Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for Officers Abbie and Arnie|
 +|** Best Couple**|[[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for The Splash and Emily \\ [[member:​Rebecca Barton]] //​(Regent’s Park)// and [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for David and Lisa Wright \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:​Nick Richardson]] //(Real Boy)// for Batman and Superman \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Batman and Imogen Smiley \\ [[member:​Velina Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)//​ and [[member:​Connie Chen]] //(St Anne’s)// for Black Widow and Wonder Woman|
 +|**Best Spurious Accent**|[[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for Iron Man \\ [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker \\ [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Imogen Smiley|
 +|**Best Directing Team**|[[member:​Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for The Sensational Story of the Splash|
 +|** Best Song**|[[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for “Trust in the Barista” \\ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for “Avengers,​ assemble!” \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for “I am a diva” \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for “Splash’s lament” \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for “Being a hero”|
 +|**Best Costume**|[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for The Barista'​s outfit \\ [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker \\ [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for Harley Quinn \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Batman \\ [[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for Loki's horns \\ [[member:​Connie Chen]] //(St Anne’s)// for Wonder Woman|
 +|**Best Worst Prop**|[[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Justice League'​s boat \\ [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// and [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for the Joker'​s Bomb|
 +|**Best Best Prop**|[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Ocean Draining Machine \\ [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// and [[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// for Splash'​s Powers \\ [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Inflatable Hammer|
 +|** Best Cock-Up During a Performance**|[[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for pulling a Kybett; walking onstage, nodding vaguely and walking off again \\ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for laughing at lights \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for forgetting half her lines for a scene|
 +|** Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal**|[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for taking too long with a costume change and leaving George to improvising being beat up|
 +|** Best Ad-Lib**|[[member:​Em Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)//​ for "​It'​s a Chevron"​ \\ [[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// for "I can take care of Emily now that the sun is down" \\ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for "Na na na na na na na na me!!" \\ [[member:​Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for "Is turning off the sun part of our evil plan?" \\ [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for prodding Batman’s chest and saying “well, that’s disappointing” \\ The cast for the phone flashlights|
 +|** Best Audience Participation/​Heckle**| Connie'​s friends for "Woo! Connie!"​ \\ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for "Who did the risk assessment?"​|
 +|**Best Quote from a Script**|[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for "Evil is brewing and we're the masters of the kettle"​ \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for "​You'​re and idiotic pubescent hothead with an internal supersoaker"​ \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for "​Secondary villains, deal with them" \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for all the coffee puns \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for "and I called her...ROSITA!"​ \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for “Seems...Counterproductive”|
 +|** The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner**|[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Batman \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for Bruce Banner and the Judge|
 +|**The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act** |[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Batman \\ [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for The Barista \\ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for Emily Wright \\ [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker|
 +|** The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty**|[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Imogen'​s dance \\ [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Ocean Draining Machine \\ [[member:​Jack Slater]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for coming to Splash every night and filming it multiple times \\ [[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for making/​repairing Loki's horns|
 {{topic>​splash +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}} {{topic>​splash +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}}
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shows/splash.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/08 16:17 by lily