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shows:plaice [2018/05/13 21:08]
lily [Production]
shows:plaice [2018/07/04 21:18]
lily [Flosscars Nominations]
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 ==== The Crew of the Miserable Peter ==== ==== The Crew of the Miserable Peter ====
-  * **Captain Brownbeard** - [[member:​Jasper Russell|Jasper]] //​“Nothing odd about that phrasing”//​ [[member:​Jasper Russell|Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​+  * **Captain Brownbeard** - [[member:​Jasper ​Rose Russell|Jasper ​Rose]] //​“Nothing odd about that phrasing”//​ [[member:​Jasper ​Rose Russell|Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​
   * **Needles** - [[member:​Velina Robinson|Velina]] //“Do you like my bubblesword?​”//​ [[member:​Velina Robinson|Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)//​   * **Needles** - [[member:​Velina Robinson|Velina]] //“Do you like my bubblesword?​”//​ [[member:​Velina Robinson|Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)//​
   * **S’You** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“What do you mean?”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​   * **S’You** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“What do you mean?”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
Line 46: Line 46:
   * **Derek** - [[member:​Neil Suchak|Neil]] //​“You’ve probably never heard of it”// [[member:​Neil Suchak|Suchak]] //(LMH)//   * **Derek** - [[member:​Neil Suchak|Neil]] //​“You’ve probably never heard of it”// [[member:​Neil Suchak|Suchak]] //(LMH)//
   * **Ian** - [[member:​James Marsden|James]] //“That other donkey!”//​ [[member:​James Marsden|Marsden]] //​(Corpus)//​   * **Ian** - [[member:​James Marsden|James]] //“That other donkey!”//​ [[member:​James Marsden|Marsden]] //​(Corpus)//​
-  * **Lesley** - [[member:Alexandra ​Brinkman-Young|Alexandra]] //“Health and Safety violation”//​ [[member:Alexandra ​Brinkman-Young|Brinkman-Young]] //(St. Anne’s)//+  * **Lesley** - [[member:Alex Brinkman-Young|Alex]] //“Health and Safety violation”//​ [[member:Alex Brinkman-Young|Brinkman-Young]] //(St. Anne’s)//
   * **Nancy** - [[member:​Erin English|Erin]] //​“Don’t show your bum to the audience”//​ [[member:​Erin English|English]] //​(Wadham)//​   * **Nancy** - [[member:​Erin English|Erin]] //​“Don’t show your bum to the audience”//​ [[member:​Erin English|English]] //​(Wadham)//​
   * **Brenda** - [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Sofia]] //“Viva la donkey revolution”//​ [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Gomezllata]] //(St Anne’s)//   * **Brenda** - [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Sofia]] //“Viva la donkey revolution”//​ [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata|Gomezllata]] //(St Anne’s)//
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   * **Props provided by** - Mary //“Dorset Georgie”//​ Beeken and Hiba //“Markus and Jake’s Mysterious Friend”// Abuelgasim   * **Props provided by** - Mary //“Dorset Georgie”//​ Beeken and Hiba //“Markus and Jake’s Mysterious Friend”// Abuelgasim
 ===== Songs ===== ===== Songs =====
 +  * **A Plaice to Call Home** - [[member:​Bianca Darolti|Bianca]] //“Do you want a ding-a-ling?​”//​ [[member:​Bianca Darolti|Darolti]] and [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //​“Jake’s personal songwriter”//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **When You're A Pirate** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“What power complex?​”//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **Oh it's a Jolly Holiday with Whiskey** - [[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury|Asha]] //“Drank all the amaretto”//​ [[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“Do you think they’ll notice?​”//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **The Mundane Five Song** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“I can stop anytime I want”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **The Complicated Song** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //“I let them write the final song”// [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **Final Song** - [[member:​Tom Lear|Tom]] //“Did I write something?​”//​ [[member:​Tom Lear|Lear]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles|Lily]] //“I can’t think of anything”//​ [[member:​Lily Miles|Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​
 ===== Script and Programme ===== ===== Script and Programme =====
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 ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Wins =====
 +|**Best Morally Ambiguous Character**|[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(St Hugh’s)// for Francois|
 +|**Best Group/ Double Act**|[[member:​Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//,​ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for the Mundane Five|
 +|** Best Spurious Accent**|[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(St Hugh’s)// for Francois|
 +|** Best Directing Team**|[[member:​Tom Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​|
 +|** Best Worst Prop**|[[member:​Tom Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Hole|
 +|** Best Best Prop**|Mary Beeken for Timmy|
 +|** Best Cock-Up During a Performance**|[[member:​Erin English]] //​(Wadham)//​ and Sofia Gomezllata for the Donkey Beheading|
 ===== Flosscars Nominations ===== ===== Flosscars Nominations =====
 +|**Best Heroic Character**|[[member:​Bianca Darolti]] for Carlotta Codswallop \\ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Dick|
 +|**Best Villainous Character**|[[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Captain Brownbeard \\ [[member:​Georgia Nicholson]] //(St Hugh’s)// for Barry Man-O-War|
 +|** Best Morally Ambiguous Character**|[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for Captain Jetsam \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for S'You|
 +|** Best Group/ Double Act**|[[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for Betty and Eileen \\ [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ and [[member:​Elsa Kienberger]] for Mandy and Andy|
 +|**Best Spurious Accent**|[[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Captain Brownbeard \\ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Dick|
 +|** Best Script**|[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for A Plaice in the Sun|
 +|** Best Marketing Campaign**|[[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Tom Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for A Plaice in the Sun|
 +|** Best Song**|[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Bianca Darolti]] for “A Plaice to Call Home” \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for “When You’re a Pirate” \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for “The Complicated Song”|
 +|**Best Costume**|[[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Captain Brownbeard \\ [[member:​Erin English]] //​(Wadham)//​ and Sofia Gomezllata for the Donkey Costumes|
 +|**Best Worst Prop**| Mary Beeken for Dead Timmy \\ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Plastic Bag treasure chest \\ [[member:​Tom Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Explosion Rubble|
 +|**Best Best Prop**|Mary Beeken for "Back to the Fuchsia"​ \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for the Inflatable Flamingo|
 +|**Best Cock-Up During a Performance**|[[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for the exploding pimms \\ [[member:​Erin English]] //​(Wadham)//​ for "​Nancy,​ he's right" "​That'​s....great!"​|
 +|**Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal**|[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for forgetting basically every prop \\ Cast of Plaice for being unable to not laugh at "my hole"|
 +|** Best Ad-Lib**|[[member:​Neil Suchak]] //(LMH)// and [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for the extra fish puns \\ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for "You won't get away with this, we're meddling kids!"​|
 +|**Best Audience Participation/​Heckle**|[[member:​Branoc Richards]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for giving the cast extra alcohol|
 +|**Best Quote from a Script**|[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Bianca Darolti]] for "Some of the chips glow in the dark!" \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for "I had no depth of vision! I thought they were bigger rocks further away!" \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for "My hole"|
 +|**The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner**|[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Dick|
 +|** The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act**|[[member:​Bianca Darolti]] for Carlotta Codswallop \\ [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Captain Brownbeard \\ [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for S'you \\ [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(St Hugh’s)// for Francois|
 +|**The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty**|[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for filling in for Producer and Stage Manager \\ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for AD-ing during her exams|
 {{topic>​plaice +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}} {{topic>​plaice +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}}
shows/plaice.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/12 20:18 by katie