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shows:husband [2018/05/02 20:12]
lily [Production]
shows:husband [2018/06/17 20:57] (current)
lily [Flosscars Wins]
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 ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Wins =====
 +|**Best hero**|[[member:​Elizabeth Baldwin]] //​(Wadham)//​ for Lord Goring|
 +|**Best inanimate object**|Door that wouldn'​t shut|
 +|**Best Worst Line Learner**|Michael Mansour for Sir Robert Chiltern|
 +|**Best off stage tantrum**|Four girls for Mike Mansour being sexist.|
 +|**Best Ad Lib**|[[member:​Elizabeth Baldwin]] //​(Wadham)//​ for repositioning the stage when an old lady sat on the props|
 ===== Flosscars Nominations ===== ===== Flosscars Nominations =====
 +|**Best heroine**|Rebecca Zerdin for Mabel Chiltern \\ Susanne Calabrese for Lady Chiltern|
 +|**Best Bad Guy**|Tara Reeves for Mrs. Chievely|
 +|**Best Love Scene**|Rebecca Zerdin and [[member:​Elizabeth Baldwin]] //​(Wadham)//​ for Mabel and Lord Goring|
 +|**Best Impersonation of a person on the opposite sex**|[[member:​Elizabeth Baldwin]] //​(Wadham)//​ for Lord Goring|
 +|**Best caricature of oneself**|Rebecca Zerdin for Mabel Chiltern|
 +|**Best Worst Line Learner**|Tara Reeves for Mrs. Chievely|
 +|**Best off stage tantrum**|[[member:​noga zivan]] //​(Wadham)//​ for one of the nursing homes|
 +|**Best Heckle**|Old woman for walking across stage and sitting on the props|
 +|**Best scene change**|The loooonnnnnnggggggg scene change|
 +|**Best rehearsal venue**|Tuition fees protest outside the Bod \\ A corridor in St. Peter'​s college|
 +|**Best speech**|[[member:​Elizabeth Baldwin]] //​(Wadham)//​ for Lord Goring explaining why he couldn'​t get married|
 +|**Best costume**|Rebecca Zerdin for the dresses|
 {{topic>​husband +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}} {{topic>​husband +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}}
 {{tag>​show}} {{tag>​show}}
shows/husband.1525291967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/02 20:12 by lily