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member:will_ainsworth [2018/12/07 19:08]
lily [Will Ainsworth]
member:will_ainsworth [2021/03/12 20:56]
lily [Family Tree]
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 ====== Will Ainsworth ====== ====== Will Ainsworth ======
-**User Level** : OULE+**User Level** : ÜberOULE
 \\ \\
 **Colleges** : **Colleges** :
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 **Children** **Children**
 +  *[[member:​Olivia Boyd]]
   *[[member:​Alex Coombs]]   *[[member:​Alex Coombs]]
   *[[member:​Tegan Gears]]   *[[member:​Tegan Gears]]
 +  *[[member:​Charlie Gill]]
 +  *[[member:​Maddie Hall]]
   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]
 +  *[[member:​Aleksandra Matkowska]]
 +  *[[member:​Tom Vallely]]
 +  *[[member:​Maya Walker]]
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 |Trinity 2018|[[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]|Lord Phillip Phillips-Phillips| |Trinity 2018|[[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]|Lord Phillip Phillips-Phillips|
 |Michaelmas 2018|[[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]|Assistant Director \\ Lighting| |Michaelmas 2018|[[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]|Assistant Director \\ Lighting|
 +|Hilary 2019|[[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies At The End]]|Pestilence|
 +|Trinity 2019|[[shows:​robin hood2|Robin Hood]]|Assistant Director|
 +|Hilary 2020|[[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]|Harry Potter \\ Director|
 +|Trinity 2020|[[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]]|Nicolas Whittlesby \\ Peter from Middlesborough \\ AAD|
 +|Michaelmas 2020|[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]|Bantz \\ Editors|
 ==== Flosscar Wins ==== ==== Flosscar Wins ====
 +|2020|•Best Directing Team for [[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]|
 ==== Flosscar Nominations ==== ==== Flosscar Nominations ====
 |2018|•Best Heroic Character for Hawkeye ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for The Avengers ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for Officers Abbie and Arnie ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Couple for Elwrong and Bob ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for catching the collapsing set three times ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]])| |2018|•Best Heroic Character for Hawkeye ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for The Avengers ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for Officers Abbie and Arnie ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Couple for Elwrong and Bob ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for catching the collapsing set three times ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]])|
 +|2019|•Best Villainous Character for Phillip Phillips-Phillips ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Phillips-Phillips Family ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Four Horsemen ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Spurious Accent for Pestilence not being German ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]] \\ •Best Best Prop for the Magic Carpet Silhouette ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up During a Performance for the scrambling up of the first scene ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Phillip Phillips-Phillips ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]])| 
 +|2020|•Best Directing Team for [[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]] \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for Learning to Play All of the Songs At Very Short Notice ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]])|
member/will_ainsworth.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/15 23:01 by aleks