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member:velina_robinson [2020/06/27 12:03]
lily [Flosscar Nominations]
member:velina_robinson [2021/05/31 14:25]
lily [Flosscar Nominations]
Line 13: Line 13:
 **Children** **Children**
 +  *[[member:​Kay Barrett]]
   *[[member:​Willow Dove]]   *[[member:​Willow Dove]]
   *[[member:​Valeriia Gladkova]]   *[[member:​Valeriia Gladkova]]
   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]
   *Andrew Kenyon-Roberts   *Andrew Kenyon-Roberts
 +  *[[member:​Eliza Niblett]]
   *[[member:​Jules Pars]]   *[[member:​Jules Pars]]
   *[[member:​Samanwita Sen]]   *[[member:​Samanwita Sen]]
   *[[member:​Mark Simonitis]]   *[[member:​Mark Simonitis]]
   *[[member:​Albert Prats]]   *[[member:​Albert Prats]]
 +  *[[member:​Charlie Gill]]
 ==== Shows ==== ==== Shows ====
Line 37: Line 40:
 |Hilary 2020|[[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]|Hannah South| |Hilary 2020|[[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]|Hannah South|
 |Trinity 2020|[[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]]|Diana Russell \\ Troll Caller \\ Real Classic FM Presenter \\ AD \\ SFX| |Trinity 2020|[[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]]|Diana Russell \\ Troll Caller \\ Real Classic FM Presenter \\ AD \\ SFX|
 +|Michaelmas 2020|[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]|Belladonna Bogoff \\ Writer \\ Marketing|
 +|Hilary 2021|[[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]]|Lunchables|
 +==== Songs ====
 +[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]
 +  * Blank Cheque - Lyrics
 +  * The Gentleman Farmers (Hunter Welly Man’s Rap) - Lyrics
 +  * One Way, or Another
 +[[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]]
 +  *We are the Evil Team
 ==== Flosscar Wins ==== ==== Flosscar Wins ====
Line 46: Line 61:
 |2019|•Best Morally Ambiguous for Mrs Fox ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Mr Mason and Mrs Fox ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Illuminati ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]] \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for running into their scenes at the outdoor rehearsal ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]])| |2019|•Best Morally Ambiguous for Mrs Fox ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Mr Mason and Mrs Fox ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Illuminati ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]] \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for running into their scenes at the outdoor rehearsal ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]])|
 |2020|•Best Heroic Character for Hannah South ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for The Merry Men ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]] \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for [[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]] \\ •Best Performance of a Song for Ghosts Need Therapy ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for Tina's 'Evil Tool' ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “What'​s a Switch?” “Well it's a Person Who Enjoys Both…” ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]])| |2020|•Best Heroic Character for Hannah South ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for The Merry Men ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]] \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for [[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]] \\ •Best Performance of a Song for Ghosts Need Therapy ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for Tina's 'Evil Tool' ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “What'​s a Switch?” “Well it's a Person Who Enjoys Both…” ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]])|
 +|2021|•Best Villainous Character for Belladonna Bogoff //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Villainous Character for Lunchables //​([[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]])//​ \\ •Best Morally Ambiguous Character for Diana Russell //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Radio Alpha Hosts //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Russell and Slimer //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]] //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Script for [[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]] //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for [[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]] //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Song for Gentlemen Farmers //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Performance of a Song for Blank Cheque //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Costume for Belladonna (and her many dresses) //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Best VFX for Lunchables snatching Izzy's crown //​([[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]])//​ \\ •Best Noise From a Castmember for Zombie Moans //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for "​What'​s updog?"​ //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Ad-Lib/​Outtake for "​What'​s updog?"​ //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Audience Participation/​Heckle for "Guys I don't get it. What is updog?"​ //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "​Scientists have discovered that the emperor penguins have lost Constantinople and are now ottoman penguins."​ //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "How d'ya get them to do this gig?" "​Money"​ //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "If you are a Prince, can I kiss you and then you’ll become a... a frog and we can get married"​ //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Dave, honey, my heart is just irresistibly drawn to those in need, like moth to flame, like pen to paper, like students to despair, self-hatred and a constant nagging sense of existential crisis..."​ //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​|
member/velina_robinson.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/15 23:03 by aleks