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member:valeriia_gladkova [2018/07/05 10:37]
lily [Shows]
member:valeriia_gladkova [2020/05/30 11:41]
lily [Flosscar Nominations]
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 **Colleges** : **Colleges** :
   *Merton from 2015   *Merton from 2015
 +==== Family Tree ====
 +  *[[member:​Beth Mabbutt]]
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]]
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]]
 +  *[[member:​Velina Robinson]]
 ==== Shows ==== ==== Shows ====
Line 12: Line 20:
 |Michaelmas 2017|[[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]|Victor| |Michaelmas 2017|[[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]|Victor|
 |Hilary 2018|[[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]|Loki| |Hilary 2018|[[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]|Loki|
 +|Trinity 2018|[[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]|Mason|
 +|Michaelmas 2018|[[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]|Osric Le Doux|
 +|Hilary 2019|[[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies At The End]]|Fenrir|
 +|Trinity 2019|[[shows:​robin hood2|Robin Hood]]|Prince John|
 +|Michelmas 2019|[[shows:​horrors| The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors ]]|Mallory Understudy \\ Assistant Director|
 ==== Flosscar Wins ==== ==== Flosscar Wins ====
 +|2018|•The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner for learning lines by 1st rehearsal and making everyone else look bad|
 +|2019|•Best Morally Ambiguous for Fenrir ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Mal and Osric ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]])|
 ==== Flosscar Nominations ==== ==== Flosscar Nominations ====
 +|2018|•The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for learning all their lines before the readthrough ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])|
 +|2019|•Best Villainous Character for Mr Mason ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Villainous Character for Osric Le Doux ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Mr Mason and Mrs Fox ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Norse Gods ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Couple for Mal and Osric ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Costume for Mr Mason ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Costume for Fenrir ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “Is Abanazer okay, he lost his moustache?​” ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “I AM IN PEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION FOR MURDER” ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “I AM ALSO CONFUSED BY THIS” ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Mr Mason and Fenrir ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]] and [[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]])|
 +|2020|•Best Villainous Character for Prince John ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]] \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Prince John and the Sheriff ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Directing Team for [[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]] \\ •Best Performance of a Song for Marry Me, Marian ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up During a Performance for Walking on Stage a Scene Early ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for Forgetting to Push Open the Door of Doom ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for All the Prince John x Robin Adlibs ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Bye Dave” “But I'm not Dave ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for Val's Whole Fungeon Speech ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Prince John ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Mallory ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]])|
member/valeriia_gladkova.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/15 22:50 by aleks