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member:tom_vallely [2020/04/04 22:38]
lily [Tom Vallely]
member:tom_vallely [2021/12/08 08:02]
lily [Family Tree]
Line 11: Line 11:
   *[[member: Will Ainsworth]]   *[[member: Will Ainsworth]]
   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]]
   *[[member:​Jack Slater]]   *[[member:​Jack Slater]]
   *[[member:​Matilda Tempest]]   *[[member:​Matilda Tempest]]
 +  *[[member:​Alice Hackney]]
 +  *[[member:​Maddie Hall]] ​
 +  *[[member:​Sophie Holland]]
 +  *[[member:​Charlie Gill]]
 +  *[[member:​Eliza Niblett]]
 +  *[[member:​Maya Walker]]
 +  *[[member:​Phoebe Winter]]
 ==== Shows ==== ==== Shows ====
 |**Term**|**Show**|**Part/​Role**| |**Term**|**Show**|**Part/​Role**|
 |Michelmas 2019|[[shows:​horrors| The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors ]]|Kim| |Michelmas 2019|[[shows:​horrors| The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors ]]|Kim|
 +|Hilary 2020|[[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]|Tina Hye \\ Sean Bean|
 +|Trinity 2020|[[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]]|DVORSHAK \\ Marketing|
 +|Michaelmas 2020|[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]|Baron "​Bill"​ Bogoff \\ Musical Director \\ Marketing|
 +|Hilary 2021|[[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]]|Big Kyle \\ Mr Gains \\ Younger Sibling|
 +|Trinity 2021|[[shows:​mram|Meeting Rooms and Managers]]|William \\ Musical Director|
 +|Michaelmas 2021|[[shows:​Carole|A Christmas Carole]]|Ghost of Christmas Future \\ Assistant Director \\ Musical Director \\ Fight Choreography|
 +==== Songs ====
 +[[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]]
 +[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]
 +  *I Quite Like Thursdays - Lyrics
 +  *One Way, or Another - Lyrics
 +[[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]]
 +  * Fork it, Let's Have a Picnic
 +[[shows:​mram|Meeting Rooms and Managers]]
 +  * Can you roll me? - Lyrics
 +  * What a Way to Make a Living - Lyrics
 +  * Betrayal Blues - Lyrics
 +[[shows:​Carole|A Christmas Carole]]
 +  * The Battle for Christmas
 +==== Flosscar Wins ====
 +|2020|•Best Couple for Marge and Tina ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for "Hiya Starks"​ and Sean Bean's Panto Routine ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "But if we are not dramatic, then we will not die?" ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Tina Hye and Sean Bean ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]])|
 +|2021| •Best Villainous Character for DVORSHAK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for [[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]] //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Worst Prop  for Baron Bill's Wig //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for Tom saying '​It'​s an angel" like 5 times at the wrong time in the scene, each time hopeful that the next repetition would be the one //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​|
 +==== Flosscar Nominations ====
 +|2020|•Best Heroic Character for Sean Bean ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Villainous Character for Kim ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Morally Ambiguous Character for Tina Hye ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Ghostgrabbers ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Marge and Tina ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Sean Bean and Alfie ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Spurious Accent for Sean Bean ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Spurious Accent for Tina Hye ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Costume for Ghostgrabber T-Shirts ([[shows:​horrors|The Haunting House of Haunting Horrors]]) \\ •Best Costume for Sean Bean ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for Tina's 'Evil Tool' ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up During a Performance for Unintentionally Putting His Shirt on Backwards as Tina ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]])|
 +|2021|•Best Heroic Character for Baron Bill Bogoff //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Villainous Character for Mr Gains //​([[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]])//​ \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for The Teachers //​([[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]])//​ \\ •Best Couple for Brian Cox and DVORSHAK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Couple for Baron Bill and the Fairy Godmother //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Spurious Accent for DVORSHAK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Spurious Accent for Baron Bill Bogoff //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for [[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]] //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Song for Fork it, Let's Have a Picnic //​([[shows:​george_o|Waiting for George-O]])//​ \\ •Best Song for DVOR-SHACK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Song for I Quite Like Thursdays //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Performance of a Song for DVOR-SHACK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Marketing Photo for DVORSHAK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Costume for Baron Bill Bogoff //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Worst Prop  for Baron Bill's Hairbrush in One Night More //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Noise From a Castmember for DVORSHAK SOUNDS OF DESPAIR after being cyberbullied //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Noise From a Castmember for DVORSHAK warmup noises //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for Tom not realising it was rehearsal time and posting on the OULES messenger group //​([[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]])//​ \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "​DVORSHAK IS WIDE AND GIRTHY BEYOND YOUR DREAMS OLD MAN" //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "YOU ARE CORRECT, BRIAN OF THE COCKS" //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for DVORSHAK //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])// \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for staying up all night to help the editors review scenes for the radio show //​([[shows:​radio_show|The Radio Show at the End of the World]])//|
member/tom_vallely.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/04 15:03 by max