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member:lily_miles [2019/06/30 15:59]
lily [Lily Miles]
member:lily_miles [2021/03/12 20:57]
lily [Family Tree]
Line 6: Line 6:
   *Hertford from 2015   *Hertford from 2015
   *ex-Hertford from 2019   *ex-Hertford from 2019
 +  *St John'​s,​ Cambridge from 2019
 +  *Actual Adult from 2020
 ==== Family Tree ==== ==== Family Tree ====
Line 11: Line 13:
 **Parents** **Parents**
   *[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]]   *[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]]
-  *[[member:Tom Moore]]+  *[[member:Katie Moore]]
 **Children** **Children**
   *[[member:​Emma Bates]]   *[[member:​Emma Bates]]
-  *[[member:​Idil Cazimoglu]]+  ​* [[member:​Jake Caudwell]] 
 +  ​* [[member:​Idil Cazimoglu]] 
 +  *[[member:​Willow Dove]]
   *Matilda Fisher   *Matilda Fisher
   *[[member:​Tegan Gears]]   *[[member:​Tegan Gears]]
 +  *[[member:​Valeriia Gladkova]]
   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]   *[[member:​Charlie Howley]]
   *Elise Most   *Elise Most
   *[[member:​Nick Richardson]]   *[[member:​Nick Richardson]]
   *Tom Saer   *Tom Saer
 +  *[[member:​Rachel Shrader]]
   *[[member:​Mark Simonitis]]   *[[member:​Mark Simonitis]]
   *Remy Soysal   *Remy Soysal
   *[[member:​Robert Stemmons]]   *[[member:​Robert Stemmons]]
   *[[member:​George Tall]]   *[[member:​George Tall]]
-  *Ed Tansley +  *[[member:Ed Tansley]] 
-  *Rachael Twyford+  *[[member:Rachael Twyford]] 
 +  *[[member:​Tom Vallely]]
   *[[member:​Georgia Watkins]]   *[[member:​Georgia Watkins]]
   *Anna White   *Anna White
 +  *[[member:​Maya Walker]]
 ==== Shows ==== ==== Shows ====
Line 41: Line 49:
 |Michaelmas 2018|[[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]|Flora the Florist \\ Thief \\ Tomb Warrior \\ Producer| |Michaelmas 2018|[[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]|Flora the Florist \\ Thief \\ Tomb Warrior \\ Producer|
 |Hilary 2019|[[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies At The End]]|Ester \\ Writer| |Hilary 2019|[[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies At The End]]|Ester \\ Writer|
 +|Trinity 2019|[[shows:​robin hood2|Robin Hood]]|Many \\ Director|
 +|Hilary 2020|[[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]|Writer \\ Marketing Manager|
 +|Michaelmas 2020|[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]|Lotta Cash \\ Hunter Welly Man|
 ==== Songs ==== ==== Songs ====
Line 58: Line 69:
   *The Horsemen of the Apocalypse   *The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
   *It's the End of the World   *It's the End of the World
 +[[shows:​robin hood2|Robin Hood]]
 +  * Marian, Oh Marian
 +  * Marry Me, Marian
 +[[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]
 +  * Make A Witch Out of You
 +  * Epic Fight Music
 +  * Final Song
 +[[shows:​cinderella3|Cinderella The Musical]]
 +  * One Night Moore - Lyrics
 +  * I Quite Like Thursdays - Lyrics
 +  * Time to Sing Again - Lyrics
 ==== Flosscar Wins ==== ==== Flosscar Wins ====
 |2017|•Best Double/​Group Act for The Chorus ([[shows:​greek|It’s All Greek To Me]])| |2017|•Best Double/​Group Act for The Chorus ([[shows:​greek|It’s All Greek To Me]])|
 |2018|•Best Directing Team ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Script ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Hole ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Pineapple juice is a pathetic excuse for a drink and you’re a pathetic excuse for a man!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])| |2018|•Best Directing Team ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Script ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Hole ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Pineapple juice is a pathetic excuse for a drink and you’re a pathetic excuse for a man!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])|
 +|2019|•Best Script for [[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]] \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for [[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]] \\ •Best Best Prop for the Boxes ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for Odin's Sexual Exploits ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for all of the above|
 +|2020|•Best Directing Team for [[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]] \\ •Best Script for [[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]] \\ •Best Marketing Campaign for  [[shows:​Channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]] \\ •Best Song for Epic Fight Music ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Audience Participation/​Heckle for Shaking Jack/​Ron'​s Hand for the Whole Show Being Bad Fanfiction ​ ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "But if we are not dramatic, then we will not die?" ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for "​Google Rule 34… And close your eyes" ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]])|
 ==== Flosscar Nominations ==== ==== Flosscar Nominations ====
Line 67: Line 94:
 |2017|•Best Cock-up Backstage or During Rehearsals for 'The most sexual coffee shop in the forest'​ ([[shows:​esc|Evil Stepmothers’ Club]]) \\ •Best Cock-up Backstage or During Rehearsals for Breaking Ben's priceless red wine ([[shows:​greek|It’s All Greek To Me]]) \\ •Best Audience Participation / Heckle for Correcting the Knave of Spades on the pronunciation of '​hatter'​ ([[shows:​owth|Off With Their Heads]]) \\ •The 'Ooh you luvvie'​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Phoebe ([[shows:​greek|It’s All Greek To Me]])| |2017|•Best Cock-up Backstage or During Rehearsals for 'The most sexual coffee shop in the forest'​ ([[shows:​esc|Evil Stepmothers’ Club]]) \\ •Best Cock-up Backstage or During Rehearsals for Breaking Ben's priceless red wine ([[shows:​greek|It’s All Greek To Me]]) \\ •Best Audience Participation / Heckle for Correcting the Knave of Spades on the pronunciation of '​hatter'​ ([[shows:​owth|Off With Their Heads]]) \\ •The 'Ooh you luvvie'​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Phoebe ([[shows:​greek|It’s All Greek To Me]])|
 |2018|•Best Heroic Character for Emily Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Villainous Character for Muffin ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Morally Ambiguous Character for The Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for The Confectionary Duo ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for Jack Frost and Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for The Splash and Emily ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Couple for Cupcake and Muffin ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Couple for The Splash and Emily ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Marketing Campaign ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Marketing Campaign ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Song for “Avengers,​ assemble!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Costume for Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Plastic Bag treasure chest ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Explosion Rubble ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Best Prop for the Police Batons ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up During a Performance for laughing at lights ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for forgetting basically every prop ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “Muffin, don’t you know anything?​” “No, sir” ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Evil is brewing and we’re the masters of the kettle” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “You’re an idiotic pubescent hothead with an internal supersoaker” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Secondary villains, deal with them” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Secondary villains, deal with them” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for all the coffee puns ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “and I called her…ROSITA!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Seems…Counterproductive” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Emily Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for designing and organising Stash \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for filling in for Producer and Stage Manager ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for AD-ing during exams ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for the make up ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]])| |2018|•Best Heroic Character for Emily Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Villainous Character for Muffin ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Morally Ambiguous Character for The Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for The Confectionary Duo ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for Jack Frost and Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Group/ Double Act for The Splash and Emily ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Couple for Cupcake and Muffin ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Couple for The Splash and Emily ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Marketing Campaign ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Marketing Campaign ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Song for “Avengers,​ assemble!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Costume for Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Plastic Bag treasure chest ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Explosion Rubble ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Best Prop for the Police Batons ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up During a Performance for laughing at lights ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for forgetting basically every prop ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “Muffin, don’t you know anything?​” “No, sir” ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Evil is brewing and we’re the masters of the kettle” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “You’re an idiotic pubescent hothead with an internal supersoaker” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Secondary villains, deal with them” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Secondary villains, deal with them” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for all the coffee puns ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “and I called her…ROSITA!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Seems…Counterproductive” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Emily Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for designing and organising Stash \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for filling in for Producer and Stage Manager ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for AD-ing during exams ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) \\ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for the make up ([[shows:​santa|Let'​s Kill Santa]])|
 +|2019|•Best Morally Ambiguous for Charlotte Kingsham ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Kingsham Family ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for the Agrabah Market Folk ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Couple for Charlotte and Hector ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Spurious Accent for Charlotte Kingsham ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Song for Don't Worry Old Sport ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Song for It's the End of the World ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Song for The Horsemen of the Apocalypse ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Camping Chair that kept breaking ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for the Lamp ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Best Prop for the Sock Puppets ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Best Prop for the Tomb Sign ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for the Mysterious Floating Pillars ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal for forgetting the tomb sign ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “I'​ll find a nunnery, there'​s plenty in the country” ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Ad-Lib for “Satan died of loneliness 10 minutes later” ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “I'm not sure I've ever wanted to be toast” “That'​s a shame, you'd look rather fine covered in Marmalade” ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “I AM IN PEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION FOR MURDER” ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “I AM ALSO CONFUSED BY THIS” ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “I'm millennia old dad, I know about sex.” ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act for Charlotte Kingsham ([[shows:​scones|Scones in the Morning]]) \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for populating the new OULES Website \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for creating the banner for Fresher'​s Fair \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for the Boxes ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for the Sock Puppets ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for postering every Oxford college ([[shows:​aladdin3|Aladdin]]) \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for finding a venue ([[shows:​edate|Everyone Dies at the End]]) \\ •The "​Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for organising filming of each show| 
 +|2020|•Best Morally Ambiguous Character for Many ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for The Mighty Maids ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Group/​Double Act for Much and Many ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]] \\ •Best Couple for Much and Many ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Song for Marian, Oh Marian ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Song for Channel Hoppers Final Song ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Worst Prop for Camping Chair ([[shows:​Robin Hood2|Robin Hood]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Well, not shoes, really… Feet.” ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) \\ •Best Quote from a Script for “Dobby was bisexual” ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]]) ​ •The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for Doing the Marketing for Channel Hoppers from a Different City ([[shows:​channel_hoppers|Channel Hoppers]])|
member/lily_miles.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/15 23:05 by aleks