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flosscars:2018 [2018/05/26 16:05]
flosscars:2018 [2020/07/12 20:24]
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 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  * Bianca Darolti for Carlotta Codswollop (A Plaice in the Sun) +  * [[member:Bianca Darolti]] for Carlotta Codswollop ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  * Ben Kybett for Dick (A Plaice in the Sun) +  * [[member:​Benjamin ​Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)// ​for Dick ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  * Becky Hicks for Elizabeth (Let's Kill Santa) +  * [[member:Becky Hicks]] //​(Oriel)// ​for Elizabeth ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  * Mark Simonitis for The Splash (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  * [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for Emily Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  * Lily Miles for Emily Wright (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  * [[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// ​for Batman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  * Emma New for Batman (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  * [[member:Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for Aquaman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  * Ana Pagu for Aquaman (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  * [[member:Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for Hawkeye ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  * Will Ainsworth for Hawkeye (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  * [[member:Nick Richardson]] //(Real Boy)// ​for Superman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  * Nick Robinson ​for Superman (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// for The Splash ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 ===== Best Villainous Character ==== ===== Best Villainous Character ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Jasper Rose Russell for Captain Brownbeard (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)// ​for Captain Brownbeard ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Georgia Nicholson for Barry Man-O-War (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Georgia Nicholson]] //(St Hugh’s)// ​for Barry Man-O-War ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Emma New for Santa (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// ​for Santa ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Efi Gauthier for Douglas Capitalism Black (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// ​for Douglas Capitalism Black ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Berenika Kotełko for Cupcake (Let's Kill Santa) +  *Berenika Kotełko for Cupcake ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Lily Miles for Muffin (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for Muffin ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Jasper Rose Russell for Krampus (Let’s Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)// ​for Krampus ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]
-  *Emma Bates for The Barista (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for The Joker ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *George Tall for The Joker (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:​Tzveta ​Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)// ​for Harley Quinn ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  *Tzevta ​Pokrovska for Harley Quinn (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
-===== Best Morally ​Ambigous ​Character ====+**Winner** - [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for The Barista ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +===== Best Morally ​Ambiguous ​Character ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Efi Gauthier for Francois  ​(A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for Captain Jetsam ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *George Tall for Captain Jetsam (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for S'You ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Judith Moore for S'You (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *Will Mason for Bames Jond ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Will Mason for Bames Jond (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)// ​for Vyclaudius Delamode ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Jake Griffiths for Vyclaudius Delamode (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for The Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Lily Miles for The Easter Bunny (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)// ​for Jack Frost ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Leo Tucker for Jack Frost (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Em Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)// ​for Margaret Washington ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]
-  *Em Fawcett for Margaret Washington (Let’s Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)// ​for Justice Foreman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Markus Beeken for Justice Foreman (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// ​for Imgoen Smiley ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  *Efi Gauthier for Imgoen Smiley (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Francois ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]])
 ===== Best Group/ Double Act ==== ===== Best Group/ Double Act ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Asha Hartland-Asbury and Tzveta Pokrovska for Betty and Eileen (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)// ​and [[member:Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)// ​for Betty and Eileen ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Matilda Tempest, Ben Kybett, Leo Tucker and Emma Bates for the Mundane Five (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)// ​and [[member:Elsa Kienberger]] ​for Mandy and Andy ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Perry Hartland-Asbury and Elsa Kienburger ​for Mandy and Andy (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *Will Mason, ​[[member:George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)//[[member:Em Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)// ​and Tom Saer for QWERTY ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Will Mason, George Tall, Em Fawcett and Tom Saer for QWERTY (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Stephen Walsh]] //(Teddy Hall)//[[member:Jack Slater]] //(St Edmund Hall)//[[member:Velina Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)// ​and [[member:Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)// ​for the Reindeer Police ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Stephen Walsh, Jack Slater, Velina Robinson and Jake Griffiths for the Reindeer Police (Let's Kill Santa) +  *Berenika Kotełko and [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for The Confectionary Duo ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Berenika Kotełko and Lily Miles for The Confectionary Duo (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)// ​and [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for Jack Frost and Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Leo Tucker and Lily Miles for Jack Frost and Easter Bunny (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Emma Bates]] //(Univ)//[[member:Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)// ​and [[member:Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)// ​for the Elves ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]
-  *Emma Bates, Tzveta Pokrovska and Matilda Tempest for the Elves (Let’s Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​[[member:Em Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)//​[[member:Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​[[member:Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​[[member:Velina Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)// ​and [[member:Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for The Avengers ​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Jake Griffiths, Em Fawcett, Jasper Rose Russell, Markus Beeken, Velina Robinson and Will Ainsworth for The Avengers ​ (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Nick Richardson]] //(Real Boy)//[[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// ​and [[member:Connie Chen]] //(St Anne’s)// ​for the Justice League ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Nick Robinson, Emma New and Connie Chen for the Justice League (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)// ​and [[member:George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for The Joker and Harley Quinn ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Tzveta Pokrovska and George Tall for The Joker and Harley Quinn (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Mark Simonitis]] //​(Keble)// ​and [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for The Splash and Emily ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Mark Simonitis and Lily Miles for The Splash and Emily (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  * Anna White and [[member:​Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for Officers Abbie and Arnie ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  *Mark Simonitis ​and Lily Miles for The Splash ​and Emily (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//,​ [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for the Mundane Five ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]])
 ===== Best Couple ==== ===== Best Couple ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Jake Griffiths and Stephen Walsh for Vyclaudius and Rudolph (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)// ​and [[member:Stephen Walsh]] //(Teddy Hall)// ​for Vyclaudius and Rudolph ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Berenika Kotełko and Lily Miles for Cupcake and Muffin (Let's Kill Santa) +  *Berenika Kotełko and [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for Cupcake and Muffin ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Erin English and Will Ainsworth for Elwrong and Bob (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Erin English]] //​(Wadham)// ​and [[member:Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for Elwrong and Bob ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Mark Simonitis and Lily Miles for The Splash and Emily (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Mark Simonitis]] //​(Keble)// ​and [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for The Splash and Emily ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Rebecca Barton and Ana Pagu for David and Lisa Wright (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Rebecca Barton]] //​(Regent’s Park)// ​and [[member:Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for David and Lisa Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Tzveta Pokrovska and George Tall for The Joker and Harley Quinn (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:Nick Richardson]] //(Real Boy)// ​for Batman and Superman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Emma New and Nick Robinson ​for Batman and Superman (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// ​and [[member:Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// ​for Batman and Imogen Smiley ​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Emma New and Efi Gauthier for Batman and Imogen Smiley ​ (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Velina Robinson]] //​(Mansfield)// ​and [[member:Connie Chen]] //(St Anne’s)// ​for Black Widow and Wonder Woman  ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  *Velina Robinson and Connie Chen for Black Widow and Wonder Woman  (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
-===== Best Spurius ​Accent ====+**Winner** - [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ and [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker and Harley Quinn ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +===== Best Spurious ​Accent ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Jasper Rose Russell for Captain Brownbeard (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)// ​for Captain Brownbeard ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Efi Gauthier for Francois ​(A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //(Magdalen)// for Dick ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Ben Kybett ​for Dick (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *Will Mason for Bames Jond ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Will Mason for Bames Jond (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for Tim Possible ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *George Tall for Tim Possible (Let's Kill Santa) +  *Tom Saer for Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanovsky ([[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Tom Saer for Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanovsky (Let's Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)// ​for Iron Man ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Jake Griffiths for Iron Man (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​for The Joker ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *George Tall for The Joker (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// ​for Imogen Smiley ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  *Efi Gauthier for Imogen Smiley (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Francois ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]])
 ===== Best Directing Team ==== ===== Best Directing Team ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Tom Moore, Markus Beeken and Lily Miles for A Plaice in the Sun +  *[[member:Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH Alumnus)//[[member:Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// ​and [[member:Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)// ​for [[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]] 
-  *Beth Mabbutt, Ana Pagu and Matilda Tempest for Let's Kill Santa +  *[[member:Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)// ​and [[member:Becky Hicks]] //​(Oriel)// ​for [[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Leo Tucker and Becky Hicks for The Sensational Story of the Splash+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Katie Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for [[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
 ===== Best Script ==== ===== Best Script ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Judith Moore for A Plaice in the Sun +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for [[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]] 
-  *Leo Tucker for Let's Kill Santa +  *[[member:Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)// ​for [[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Markus Beeken and Lily Miles for The Sensational Story of the Splash+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for [[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
 ===== Best Marketing Campaign ==== ===== Best Marketing Campaign ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Asha Hartland-Asbury, ​Tom Moore, Markus Beeken and Lily Miles for A Plaice in the Sun +  *[[member:Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//​[[member:​Katie ​Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​[[member:Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)// ​and [[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for [[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]] 
-  *Lily Miles for Let's Kill Santa +  *[[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for [[shows:​santa|Lets Kill Santa]]
-  *Ana Pagu and Tom Moore for The Sensational Story of the Splash+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Katie Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ for [[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
 ===== Best Song ==== ===== Best Song ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *Judith Moore and Bianca Darolti for “A Plaice to Call Home” (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​and [[member:Bianca Darolti]] for “A Plaice to Call Home” ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Judith Moore for “When You’re a Pirate” (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for “When You’re a Pirate” ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Judith Moore for “The Complicated Song” (A Plaice in the Sun) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for “The Complicated Song” ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]
-  *Judith Moore for “I Put the Ho’ in Hoodwink” (Let’s Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for “I Put the Ho’ in Hoodwink” ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]
-  *Perry Hartland-Asbury ​for “The Barricade” ​(Let’s Kill Santa) +  *[[member:Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //(Ex-Mansfield)// for “Trust in the Barista” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Perry Hartland-Asbury ​for “Trust in the Barista” (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)// ​for “Avengers,​ assemble!” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Lily Miles for “Avengers,​ assemble!” (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for “I am a diva” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Judith Moore for “I am a diva” (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)// ​for “Splash’s lament” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
-  *Judith Moore for “Splash’s lament” (The Sensational Story of the Splash) +  *[[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// ​for “Being a hero” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
-  *Emma New for “Being a hero” (The Sensational Story of the Splash)+
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for “The Barricade” ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]])
 ===== Best Costume ==== ===== Best Costume ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Captain Brownbeard ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Erin English]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata]] for the Donkey Costumes ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Muffin and Cupcake'​s headbands ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Easter Bunny ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Krampus ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for The Barista'​s outfit ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for Harley Quinn ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Batman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for Loki's horns ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Connie Chen]] //(St Anne’s)// for Wonder Woman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Vyclaudius'​ Outfit ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]])
 ===== Best Worst Prop ==== ===== Best Worst Prop ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *Mary Beeken for Dead Timmy ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Plastic Bag treasure chest ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Katie Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Explosion Rubble ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH Alumnus)//, [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for The Barricade ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for the Tinsel Shackles ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for the secreted sweeties ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Justice League'​s boat ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// and [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for the Joker'​s Bomb ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Katie Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Hole ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]])
 ===== Best Best Prop ==== ===== Best Best Prop ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *Mary Beeken for "Back to the Fuchsia"​ ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for the Inflatable Flamingo ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Beth Mabbutt]] //(LMH Alumnus)// for the Backdrops ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for the Pinecone ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the Police Batons ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Ocean Draining Machine ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// and [[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// for Splash'​s Powers ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Inflatable Hammer ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - Mary Beeken for Timmy ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]])
 ===== Best Cock-Up During a Performance ==== ===== Best Cock-Up During a Performance ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for the exploding pimms ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Erin English]] //​(Wadham)//​ for "​Nancy,​ he's right" "​That'​s....great!"​ ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *Will Mason and [[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for skipping an entire scheme of QWERTY'​s lines ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for forgetting Bob and just leaving him onstage ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for pulling a Kybett; walking onstage, nodding vaguely and walking off again ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for laughing at lights ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for forgetting half her lines for a scene ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Erin English]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Sofia Gomezllata]] for the Donkey Beheading ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]])
 ===== Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal ==== ===== Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for forgetting basically every prop ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *Cast of Plaice for being unable to not laugh at "my hole" ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *Tom Saer for writing an essay backstage halfway through a scene ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for "We wish you a merry Wednesday"​ ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *Whoever was in charge of the Backdrops in [[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]] 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for taking too long with a costume change and leaving George to improvising being beat up ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​James Marsden]] //​(ex-Corpus)//,​ [[member:​Katie Moore]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​ and the History Boy's lighting technician for the Lights in [[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]
 ===== Best Ad-Lib ==== ===== Best Ad-Lib ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Neil Suchak]] //(LMH)// and [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for the extra fish puns ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for "You won't get away with this, we're meddling kids!" ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for "​I'​m not disappointed,​ I'm just angry."​ ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jack Slater]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for "​It'​s not gibberish, it's Welsh."​ ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen’s)//​ for Bionicle birthing strawberry laces ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for "​Muffin,​ don't you know anything?"​ "No, sir" ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Em Fawcett]] //​(Wadham)//​ for "​It'​s a Chevron"​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Mark Simonitis]] //(Keble)// for "I can take care of Emily now that the sun is down" ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for "Na na na na na na na na me!!" ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for "Is turning off the sun part of our evil plan?" ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for prodding Batman’s chest and saying “well, that’s disappointing” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *The cast of [[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]] for the phone flashlights
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for the “Look over here” song ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]])
 ===== Best Audience Participation/​Heckle ==== ===== Best Audience Participation/​Heckle ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Branoc Richards]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for giving the cast extra alcohol ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for "​It'​s not a soliloquy, it's an aside" ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *Connie'​s friends for "Woo! Connie!"​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for "Who did the risk assessment?"​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Asha Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for her bra
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for "He has a condition"​ ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]])
 ===== Best Quote from a Script ==== ===== Best Quote from a Script ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Bianca Darolti]] for "Some of the chips glow in the dark!" ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for "I had no depth of vision! I thought they were bigger rocks further away!" ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ and [[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for "My hole" ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Jack Slater]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for "Why are we goose stepping...shouldn'​t we be reindeer stepping?"​ ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ and [[member:​Stephen Walsh]] //(Teddy Hall)// for "​Dasher,​ put that away" ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Leo Tucker]] //​(Wadham)//​ for the Donkey Joke ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for "Evil is brewing and we're the masters of the kettle"​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for "​You'​re an idiotic pubescent hothead with an internal supersoaker"​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for "​Secondary villains, deal with them" ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for all the coffee puns ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for "and I called her...ROSITA!"​ ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for “Seems...Counterproductive” ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//,​ [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for "​Pineapple juice is a pathetic excuse for a drink and you're a pathetic excuse for a man!" ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 ===== The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner ==== ===== The Branoc Richards Award for Best Worst Line Learner ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Dick ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Douglas Capitalism Black ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for Tim Possible ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Batman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for Bruce Banner and the Judge ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Valeriia Gladkova]] //​(Merton)//​ for learning lines by 1st rehearsal and making everyone else look bad
 ===== The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act ==== ===== The "Ooh You Luvvie"​ Award for Actually Being Able to Act ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Bianca Darolti]] for Carlotta Codswallop ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jasper Rose Russell]] //​(ex-Merton)//​ for Captain Brownbeard ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for S'you ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Francois ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *Tom Saer for Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanovsky ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Santa ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) and Batman ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Emma Bates]] //(Univ)// for The Barista ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for Emily Wright ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for The Joker ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]])
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Stephen Walsh]] //(Teddy Hall)// as Rudolph ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]])
 ===== The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty ==== ===== The '​Beyond the Call of Duty' Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty ====
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
-  *+  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Ana Pagu]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for designing and organising Stash 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ and [[member:​Markus Beeken]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for filling in for Producer and Stage Manager ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for AD-ing during her exams  ([[shows:​plaice|A Plaice in the Sun]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Vyclaudius'​ costume ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Matilda Tempest]] //​(Mansfield)//,​ [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// and [[member:​Lily Miles]] //​(Hertford)//​ for the make up ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Will Ainsworth]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for catching the collapsing set three time ([[shows:​santa|Let’s Kill Santa]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(Formerly St Hugh’s)// for Imogen'​s dance ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​George Tall]] //(St Edmund Hall)// and [[member:​Becky Hicks]] //(Oriel)// for the Ocean Draining Machine ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jack Slater]] //(St Edmund Hall)// for coming to Splash every night and filming it multiple times ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Jake Griffiths]] //​(Brasenose)//​ for making/​repairing Loki's horns ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +  *[[member:​Valeriia Gladkova]] //​(Merton)//​ for learning all their lines before the readthrough ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +**Winner** - The cast for taking over when lights failed ([[shows:​splash|The Sensational Story of the Splash]]) 
 +===== The Purple Perry Persistent Participation Prize ===== 
 +**Winner** - [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for Lifetime Achievement
 {{tag>​flosscar 2018}} {{tag>​flosscar 2018}}
flosscars/2018.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/12 20:24 by katie