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Sam Young

User Level : Ex-ÜberOULE
Colleges :

Family Tree




Michaelmas 2010Peter Pan The PantomimeSlightly
Hilary 2011Batman: The PantomimeMr Freeze
Trinity 2011Tragedy: A ComedyNursey
Michaelmas 2011The Snow QueenDietrich

Flosscar Wins

2011•The “Tom Reynolds” Award for most Spurious Accent for Mr Freeze (Batman: The Pantomime)
2012•Best Portrayal of a Member of the Opposite Sex for Nursey (Tragedy: A Comedy)
•Best Costume for Three Utterly ridiculous pairs of dungarees (The Snow Queen)

Flosscar Nominations

2011•Best Costume for Mr Freeze (Batman: The Pantomime)
2012•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Nursey and Father Lawrence (Tragedy: A Comedy)
•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Dieter, Dietmar and Dietrich (The Snow Queen)
•The “Beyond the Call of Duty” Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty for having to kiss Jonny (Tragedy: A Comedy)
2013•The “M-Tropolis and M-Town” award for Best Double Act/Couple for Bedivere and Kay (Arthur! (or Fifty Shades of Grail))
•Best Song for Questing for the Grail (Arthur! (or Fifty Shades of Grail))
•The “Ooh you luvvie” Award for actually being able to act for The Narrator (Gentlemanly People Doing Gentlemanly Things)