====== The Snow Queen (Michaelmas, 2011) ======
{{ :shows:snow_queen.png?200 |snow queen poster}}
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===== Cast =====
* **Gerda** - Ellie //"Dorothy"// Armstrong
* **Kay** - [[member:Joe Hermaszewski|Joe]] //"Word Games"// [[member:Joe Hermaszewski|Hermaszewski]] //(Oriel)//
==== Inhabitants of the Magical World ====
* **Jardis (The Snow Queen)** - [[member:Emma Slattery|Emma]] //"do or do not"// [[member:Emma Slattery|Slattery]] //(Merton)//
* **Jareth (The Goblin King)** - [[member:Thomas Little |Thomas]] //"little girls getting trapped in big mazes"// [[member:Thomas Little|Little]] //(Hertford)//
* **Aurora (The Fairy of the Northern Lights)** - [[member:Jenni Goodchild|Jenni]] //"I'm older than I look!"// [[member:Jenni Goodchild|Goodchild]] //(Mansfield)//
==== The Snow Queen's Court ====
* **Püsh (A goblin - Tuesday and Wednesday)** - [[member:rob woolley|rob]] //"I don't get it..."// [[member:rob woolley|woolley]] //(keble)//
* ** Püsh (A goblin - Thursday)** - [[member:Rebecca Nightingale|Rebecca]] //"my knees"// [[member:Rebecca Nightingale|Nightingale]] //(Filthy Brooks Interloper)//
* **Shöve (A goblin)** - [[member:Adrian Clayton|Adrian]] //"It's all part of the plan"// [[member:Adrian Clayton|Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//
* **Jakob (A professor)** - [[member:Tim Ledsam|Tim]] //"Vat is all zis equipment?"// [[member:Tim Ledsam|Ledsam]] //(Hertford)//
* **Gregor (An equally proficient professor)** - [[member:Ben Below|Ben]] //"great undead tsunami"// [[member:Ben Below|Below]] //(Worcester)//
* **Igor (An Igor)** - [[member:Jonathan Lipscombe|Jonathan]] //"Thecthual Prowethth"// [[member:Jonathan Lipscombe|Lipscombe]] //(Mansfield)//
* **Tuuli (The Northern Wind)** - [[member:Diran Bodossian|Diran]] //"One in the eye"// [[member:Diran Bodossian|Bodossian]] //(Balliol)//
* **Lumi (A Snowflake)** - [[member:Morgan Wilkinson|Morgan]] //"Shut up, Bryn!"// [[member:Morgan Wilkinson|Wilkinson]] //(Hertford)//
* **Pyry (A Snowflake)** - [[member:Clem Decau|Clem]] //"I only have one line to quote from!"// [[member:Clem Decau|Decau]] //(Jesus College)//
* **Tuisku (A Snowflake)** - [[member:stephanie clarke|stephanie]] //"Cliff-face"// [[member:stephanie clarke|clarke]] //(Hertford)//
==== Inhabitants of the Big City ====
* **Greta (Gerda's Grandmother)** - Bob //"Million dollar figure"// Hunt
* **Dieter** - [[member:Bryn Griffiths|Bryn]] //"caught by the ghosts"// [[member:Bryn Griffiths|Griffiths]] //(New College)//
* **Dietmar** - [[member:Emma New|Emma]] //"But I'm scared of the dark"// [[member:Emma New|New]] //(St Hildas)//
* **Dietrich** - [[member:Sam Young|Sam]] //"I was all for running away!"// [[member:Sam Young|Young]] //(Worcester)//
* **Jens (A villager)** - Péter //"Bad jokes 'til morning light"// Connell
* **Lars (A villager)** - Christopher //"OK here goes"// Webster
==== The Flower Garden ====
* **The Old Crone** - Rachel //"Now I shall have her as "company"!"// Hughes
* **Snowdrop** - [[member:Alice Young|Alice]] //"oh no, the crone's coming back!"// [[member:Alice Young|Young]] //(Hertford)//
* **Buttercup** - Merlin //"it's glorious"// Seller
* **Hyacinth** - [[member:Alex Brinkman-Young|Alex]] //"well we've got a smart one here"// [[member:Alex Brinkman-Young|Brinkmann-Young]]
* **Bluebell** - Marianne //"She's a nice old woman, but she is lonely"// McKenzie
==== The Palace of Kleinstadt ====
* **Rax (A talking crow)** - Tim //"Caw!"// Skew
* **Terga (King of Kleinstadt)** - Pippin //"Coaches Galore"// //(Magdalen)//
* **Drega (Princess of Kleinstadt)** - [[member: Asha Hartland-Asbury|Asha]] //"Fetch a muff from my wardrobe"// [[member: Asha Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //(Brasenose)//
* **Aky (Prince of Kleinstadt)** - [[member:Rory Morrison|Rory]] //"...the exact description of my prince"// [[member: Rory Morrison|Morrison]] //(Mansfield)//
* **Alot (Advisor to the throne of Kleinstadt)** - [[member: James Marsden|James]] //"Yes, your Highness"// [[member:James Marsden|Marsden]] //(Corpus)//
==== The Band of Robbers ====
* **Hildegard (The Little Robber Girl)** - Helen //"just you and me now Flopsy"// Britton
* **Gunhild (The Old Robber Hag)** - [[member:Jessica Law|Jessica]] //"Rapturous Bling"// [[member:Jessica Law|Law]] //(St.Anne's)//
* **Rosvo** - Peter //"Still in prison"// Bunyan
* **Varas** - [[member: Hannah Snell|Hannah]] //"How's the wife?"// [[member: Hannah Snell|Snell]] //(Balliol)//
* **Rikos** - [[member:Frances Watson|Frances]] //"Sorry, we were bored"// [[member: Frances Watson|Watson]] //(Queen's)//
* **Brott** - [[member: Matthew Williams|Matthew]] //"hired for the Royal wedding"// [[member: Matthew Williams|Williams]] //(mansfield)//
==== Gerda's Friends in the North ====
* **Bae (A Reindeer)** - [[member:Perry Hartland-Asbury|Perry]] //"chew through your bonds"// [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //(Ex-Mansfield)//
* **The Lapp Lady** - [[member: Charlotte Hindley|Charlotte]] //"Oh you poor things!"// [[member:Charlotte Hindley|Hindley]] //(Mansfield)//
* **Finita (the Finn Woman)** - [[member: Olivia Upchurch|Olivia]] //"the whole world is doomed"// [[member: Olivia Upchurch|Upchurch]] //(Jesus)//
==== And, by Special Magic and Science ====
* **Hans Christian Anderson** - Robert //"resurrected"// Collins
===== Production =====
* **Directors** - [[member:Sasha McKenna]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:Adam Robinson]] //(St. Peter's)//
* **Writer** - [[member:Richard Owen|Richard]] //"Unt zo... darkness!"// [[member: Richard Owen|Owen]] //(Ex-Lincoln)//
* **Producer** - [[member: Jenni Goodchild|Jenni]] //"I'm older than I look!"// [[member: Jenni Goodchild|Goodchild]] //(Mansfield)//
* **Assistant Producer** - [[member: Morgan Wilkinson|Morgan]] //"Shut up, Bryn!"// [[member: Morgan Wilkinson|Wilkinson]] //(Hertford)//
* **Musical Directors** - [[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// and [[member:Frances Watson]] //(Queen's)//
* **Sound** - [[member: Ele Grieveson|Ele]] //"do not press the red button"// [[member: Ele Grieveson|Grieveson]] //(Corpus Christi)//
* **Lights** - [[member:Richard Owen|Richard]] //"Unt zo... darkness!"// [[member: Richard Owen|Owen]] //(Ex-Lincoln)//
* **Make-Up** - [[member: Ele Grieveson|Ele]] //"do not press the red button"// [[member: Ele Grieveson|Grieveson]] //(Corpus Christi)//
* **Thanks to** - [[member:James Marsden]] //(Corpus)// and [[member:Jonathan Lipscombe]] //(Mansfield)//
===== Script and Programme =====
===== Flosscars Wins =====
|**Best Costume**|[[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)//, [[member:Bryn Griffiths]] //(New College)// and [[member:Sam Young]] //(Worcester)// for Three Utterly ridiculous pairs of dungarees|
|**Best Ad Lib**|[[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// for "What does this do? Maybe it controls time? Maybe it controls time? Maybe it controls time?|"
|**Best Quote (during a show)**|Bob Hunt and [[member:Richard Owen]] //(Ex-Lincoln)// for the "Kartoffel-schinken-schubkarre-aale-fahrzeug-kaese-kuche-wursten-schnitzel" line|
|**The "Ooh you luvvie" Award for actually being able to act**|Tim Skew for Rax|
|**The "Don't Shoot the Children in the Face" Award for Best Performance in a Schools/Homes show of a different part to in the student show**|[[member:Rory Morrison]] //(Mansfield)// for One of the three D's|
===== Flosscars Nominations =====
|**Best Hero**|[[member:Joe Hermaszewski]] //(Oriel)// for Kay|
|**Best Heroine**|Ellie Armstrong for Gerda|
|**Best Bad Guy / Villain**|[[member:Emma Slattery]] //(Merton)// for Jardis|
|**The "M-Tropolis and M-Town" award for Best Double Act/Couple**|[[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// and [[member:Tim Ledsam]] //(Hertford)// for Jakob and Gregor \\ [[member:Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))// and [[member:Rebecca Nightingale]] //(Filthy Brooks Interloper)// for Püsh and Shöve \\ [[member:Bryn Griffiths]] //(New College)//, [[member:Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:Sam Young]] //(Worcester)// for Dieter, Dieter and Dietrich|
|**Best Portrayal of a Member of the Opposite Sex**|Bob Hunt for Greta|
|**The "Tom Reynolds" Award for most Spurious Accent**|[[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// and [[member:Tim Ledsam]] //(Hertford)// for Jakob and Gregor \\ [[member:Diran Bodossian]] //(Balliol)// for Tuuli (The Northern Wind) \\ [[member:Thomas Little]] //(Hertford)// for Jareth (The Bowie Voice)|
|**Best Directing Team**|[[member:Sasha McKenna]] //(St Hildas)//, [[member:Adam Robinson]] //(St. Peter's)//, [[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// and [[member:Frances Watson]] //(Queen's)//|
|**Best Writer**|[[member:Richard Owen]] //(Ex-Lincoln)//|
|**Best Song**|Rachel Hughes for Oh Kay \\ [[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// and [[member:Tim Ledsam]] //(Hertford)// for Science! Zombies! Tsunamis! \\ [[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// for It's Good To Be Evil|
|**Best Prop**|[[member:Jenni Goodchild]] //(Mansfield)//, [[member:Richard Owen]] //(Ex-Lincoln)// and [[member:Morgan Wilkinson]] //(Hertford)// for The Magic Mirror|
|**Best fluff/fuck-up/cock-up during a performance**|[[member:Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))// for swearing in front of the brownies \\ [[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)//, [[member:Tim Ledsam]] //(Hertford)// and [[member:Jonathan Lipscombe]] //(Mansfield)// for putting the benches so far upstage in the Ghost Gag that the ghosts couldn't hide properly|
|**Best Ad Lib**|[[member:Joe Hermaszewski]] //(Oriel)// for "Time to reflect on what you've done" \\ [[member:Ben Below]] //(Worcester)// and [[member:Tim Ledsam]] //(Hertford)// for all their lines, none of which were in the script|
|**The "Ooh you luvvie" Award for actually being able to act**|[[member:Thomas Little]] //(Hertford)// for Jareth|
|**The "Beyond the Call of Duty" Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty**|[[member:Sasha McKenna]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:Adam Robinson]] //(St. Peter's)// for directing at the last minute|
{{topic>snow queen +song list&nodesc&nouser&nodate}}