====== An Ideal Husband (Hilary, 2001) ====== [[shows:first|First]] | [[shows:dick_turpentine|Previous]] | [[shows:arsenic|Next]] | [[shows:latest|Latest]] //Sir Robert Chiltern and his wife are people of firm morals and high ideals. But when the morally disciplined Mrs Cheveley enters the scene, she brings with her a secret from Sir Robert's past. It is up to Sir Robert's friend, Lord Goring, to attempt to sort out the resulting mess.// ===== Cast ===== * **Lord Goring** - [[member:Elizabeth Baldwin]] //(Wadham)// * **Sir Robert Chiltern** - Michael Mansour * **Lady Chiltern** - Suzanne Calabrese * **Mrs Cheveley** - Tara Reeves * **Miss Mabel Chiltern** - Rebecca Zerdine * **Lady Markby** - Jennifer Fawson * **Lady Basildon** - Rhi Mogridge * **Mrs Marchmont** - Juliet Kemp * **Mason** - Liz Norman * **Phipps** - Anas Alazami ===== Production ===== * **By** - Oscar Wilde * **Adapted By** - [[member:noga zivan]] //(Wadham)// * **Director** - [[member:noga zivan]] //(Wadham)// * **Producer** - [[member:Duncan Coutts]] //(Worcester)// * **Sound and Lighting** - [[member:Richard Owen]] //(Lincoln)// and Mark Roberts ===== Script and Programme ===== ===== Flosscars Wins ===== |**Best hero**|[[member:Elizabeth Baldwin]] //(Wadham)// for Lord Goring| |**Best inanimate object**|Door that wouldn't shut| |**Best Worst Line Learner**|Michael Mansour for Sir Robert Chiltern| |**Best off stage tantrum**|Four girls for Mike Mansour being sexist.| |**Best Ad Lib**|[[member:Elizabeth Baldwin]] //(Wadham)// for repositioning the stage when an old lady sat on the props| ===== Flosscars Nominations ===== |**Best heroine**|Rebecca Zerdin for Mabel Chiltern \\ Susanne Calabrese for Lady Chiltern| |**Best Bad Guy**|Tara Reeves for Mrs. Chievely| |**Best Love Scene**|Rebecca Zerdin and [[member:Elizabeth Baldwin]] //(Wadham)// for Mabel and Lord Goring| |**Best Impersonation of a person on the opposite sex**|[[member:Elizabeth Baldwin]] //(Wadham)// for Lord Goring| |**Best caricature of oneself**|Rebecca Zerdin for Mabel Chiltern| |**Best Worst Line Learner**|Tara Reeves for Mrs. Chievely| |**Best off stage tantrum**|[[member:noga zivan]] //(Wadham)// for one of the nursing homes| |**Best Heckle**|Old woman for walking across stage and sitting on the props| |**Best scene change**|The loooonnnnnnggggggg scene change| |**Best rehearsal venue**|Tuition fees protest outside the Bod \\ A corridor in St. Peter's college| |**Best speech**|[[member:Elizabeth Baldwin]] //(Wadham)// for Lord Goring explaining why he couldn't get married| |**Best costume**|Rebecca Zerdin for the dresses| {{topic>husband +song list&nodesc&nouser&nodate}} {{tag>show}}