====== Waiting for George-O (Hilary, 2021) ======
{{ :shows:george_o_poster.jpg?300 |george o poster}}
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//Hello? I think you're on mute! \\ \\ School's back (online) and a group project battle rages between the red and blue teams, in the greatest conflict ever to take place between primary colours. What actually is the group project? Who is George O? And how does the magic 8-ball (which may or may not be a god, it's a touchy subject) come into it?//
The link to this show can be found [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBmA8nvYwho|here]]
===== Cast =====
==== Red Team ====
* **Izzy** - [[member:Kay Barrett|Kay]] //“This is method acting”// [[member:Kay Barrett|Barrett]] //(St Hilda's)//
* **George** - [[member:Fen Brunt|Fen]] //“Child man”// [[member:Fen Brunt|Brunt]] //(Mansfield)//
* **Cori** - [[member:Ali Witheford|Ali]] //“Therapeutic ranting”// [[member:Ali Witheford|Witheford]] //(Magdalen)//
* **Big Kyle** - [[member:Tom Vallely|Tom]] //“okay guys jokes aside... HEEEEEEEHHAHAHAHAH”// [[member:Tom Vallely|Vallely]] //(Somerville)//
* **Elaine** - [[member:Ana Pagu|Ana]] //“Knife goes there”// [[member:Ana Pagu|Pagu]] //(Linacre)//
==== Blue Team ====
* **KJ** - [[member:Charlie Gill|Charlie]] //“What's cooler than being cool?”// [[member:Charlie Gill|Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//
* **Fartacus** [[member:Tobi Wedel|Tobi]] //“My profile picture is actually a cow”// [[member:Tobi Wedel|Wedel]] //(Worcester)//
* **Spockrates** - [[member:Em Fawcett|Em]] //“I think therefore I ban"// [[member:Em Fawcett|Fawcett]] //(Wadham)//
* **Jod** - [[member:Ed Tansley|Ed]] //“Actually”// [[member:Ed Tansley|Tansley]] //(St Anne's)//
==== Teachers ====
* **Mrs. Fenkins** - [[member:Lily Miles|Lily]] //“Triangles never surprise me”// [[member:Lily Miles|Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//
* **Mrs. Chambers** - [[member:Bethan Chalmers|Bethan]] //“Chambers is derived from Chalmers, you get it? You got it.”// Chambers [[member:Bethan Chalmers|Chalmers]] // (St Hilda's)//
* **Mr. Hubbard** - [[member:Jake Caudwell|Jake]] //“Role of a lifetime”// [[member:Jake Caudwell|Caudwell]] //(Magdalen)//
* **Mr. Gains** - [[member:Tom Vallely|Tom]] //“*Frown Intensifies*”// [[member:Tom Vallely|Vallely]] //(Somerville)//
* **Angus** - Rebekka “I don't know but continue” Thur
==== 8-Ball Cult ====
* **Other Neil** - [[member:Valeriia Gladkova|Val]] //“FOR NERRRDER!”// [[member:Valeriia Gladkova|Gladkova]] //(Merton)//
* **Sharpie Girl** - [[member:Maya Walker|Maya]] //“Give us a sec to draw an 8 on this orange”// [[member:Maya Walker|Walker]] //(St Anne's)//
* **Needy Nathan** - [[member:Charlie Howley|Charlie]] //“I want to look dishevelled”// [[member:Charlie Howley|Howley]] //(LMH)//
* **8-Ball Cult Missionary** - Jahnavi “Just listen to the PROPHET” Bhatia
==== Reject Cult ====
* **Broken-Colour Daniel** - [[member:Alice Hackney|Alice]] //“I have evil laugh anxiety”// [[member:Alice Hackney|Hackney]] //(St John's)//
* **Sidney** - [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Alex]] //“Accidentally went to Germany”// [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Matkowska]] //(Keble)//
* **Mickey** - [[member:Chloe Pavey|Chloe]] //“Downloading traitor photos”// [[member:Chloe Pavey|Pavey]]
* **Lunchables** - [[member:Velina Robinson|Velina]] //“I supported child sweatshops”// [[member:Velina Robinson|Robinson]] //(Mansfield)//
==== Miscellaneous ====
* **Pixel/Python/H T M L** - [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Alex]] //“Which one is which again?"// [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Matkowska]] //(Keble)//
* **Olly** - [[member:Lily Miles|Lily]] //“Did I do good sir?”// [[member:Lily Miles|Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//
* **Olly’s mum** - [[member:Will Ainsworth|Will]] //“Just wanted to be involved”// [[member:Will Ainsworth|Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//
* **Richard Head** - [[member:Branoc Richards|Branoc]] //“I'll see what comes out of my mouth”// [[member:Branoc Richards|Richards]] //(Associate MCR at Magdalen)//
* **Younger Sibling** - [[member:Tom Vallely|Tom]] //“Wait why do I have a beard?”// [[member:Tom Vallely|Vallely]] //(Somerville)//
* **Narrator** - [[member:Perry Hartland-Asbury|Perry]] //“In my bedroom”// [[member:Perry Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //(Ex-Mansfield)//
===== Production =====
* **Director** - [[member:Will Ainsworth|Will]] //“I enjoyed you entirely”// [[member:Will Ainsworth|Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//
* **Assistant Directors**
* [[member:Jake Caudwell|Jake]] //“Your excommunication was excellent”// [[member:Jake Caudwell|Caudwell]] //(Magdalen)//
* Jahnavi “It’s currently 4am…” Bhatia
* **Writer** - [[member:Em Fawcett|Em]] //“I don't remember writing this”// [[member:Em Fawcett|Fawcett]] //(Wadham)//
* **Musical Director** - [[member:Maya Walker|Maya]] //“Is everyone breathing?”// [[member:Maya Walker|Walker]] //(St Anne's)//
* **Producer** [[member:Ana Pagu|Ana]] //“Jokes later, marketing N O W”// [[member:Ana Pagu|Pagu]] //(Linacre)//
* **Marketing Manager** - [[member:Chloe Pavey|Chloe]] //“Things are occurring”// [[member:Chloe Pavey|Pavey]]
* **Marketing Assistant (aka Scribbles Wizard aka Scrizzard)** - [[member:Lily Miles|Lily]] //“You misjudge my drawing skills”// [[member:Lily Miles|Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//
* **Head Editor** - [[member:Charlie Gill|Charlie]] //“What's that famous quote about insanity?"// [[member:Charlie Gill|Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//
* **Editors**
* [[member:Will Ainsworth|Will]] //“UNLEASH THE EDITORS”// [[member:Will Ainsworth|Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//
* [[member:Fen Brunt|Fen]] //“Will you be providing your own snores”// [[member:Fen Brunt|Brunt]] //(Mansfield)//
* [[member:Branoc Richards|Branoc]] //“Generous with my filter girth”// [[member:Branoc Richards|Richards]] //(Associate MCR at Magdalen)//
* [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Alex]] //“Ascending to the bee movie universe”// [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Matkowvska]] //(Keble)//
* [[member:Maya Walker|Maya]] //“Can people stop being nice to me for a minute”// [[member:Maya Walker|Walker]] //(St Anne's)//
* [[member:Alice Hackney|Alice]] //“Shooting-related props”// [[member:Alice Hackney|Hackney]] //(St John's)//
===== Songs =====
* **Not Paid for This**
* [[member:Lily Miles|Lily]] //“James and Katie, please don't fire me”// [[member:Lily Miles|Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//
* [[member:Maya Walker|Maya]] //“Power ranger in a blender”// [[member:Maya Walker|Walker]] //(St Anne's)//
* **Our Leader Made us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Excommunicated (formerly Not a Cult)**
* [[member:Lily Miles|Lily]] //“Needs ominous percussion”// [[member:Lily Miles|Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//
* [[member:Maya Walker|Maya]] //“Working at the brrrrr”// [[member:Maya Walker|Walker]] //(St Anne's)//
* **We Are the Evil Team**
* [[member:Velina Robinson|Velina]] //“ABBA is easy, right?”// [[member:Velina Robinson|Robinson]] //(Mansfield)//
* [[member:Tobi Wedel|Tobi]] //“evil bagpipes organ”// [[member:Tobi Wedel|Wedel]] //(Worcester)//
* **Who Said Rivalry is Dead?**
* [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Alex]] //“Deep dive?”// [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska|Matkowska]] //(Keble)//
* Natalia //“Alex’s mysterious friend”// Studzińska
* **Do you want to join a death cult?**
* [[member:Em Fawcett|Em]] //“Please don’t sue us”// [[member:Em Fawcett|Fawcett]] //(Wadham)//
* Walt //“We will not sue you”// Disney
* **Fork it, let's have a picnic**
* [[member:Tobi Wedel|Tobi]] //“I like cows in real life”// [[member:Tobi Wedel|Wedel]] //(Worcester)//
* [[member:Tom Vallely|Tom]] //“Mummy makes me mash my MnMs”// [[member:Tom Vallely|Vallely]] //(Somerville)//
* [[member:Ed Tansley|Ed]] //“Life has crushed my only dream”// [[member:Ed Tansley|Tansley]] //(St Anne's)//
* **Final song (Purple song)**
* [[member:Maya Walker|Maya]] //“No tension, only wiggle”// [[member:Maya Walker|Walker]] //(St Anne's)//
===== Credits =====
==== SFX ====
* Jovica, lunadrive, danelle150055venter, inspectorj, breviceps, llusiet7,
* timbre, OtisJames, zombie_expert, Debsound and others from Freesound.org
* Additional sounds from zedge.net
* Original foley by Fen Brunt
* Door knock, snoring, glass break, typing, and others by ZapSplat from zapsplat.com
* Hacker Entrance Jingle Copyright © 2011 Varazuvi™ www.varazuvi.com
==== Music ====
* **Trailer Music** - Epic Cinematic Dramatic Adventure Trailer by RomanSenykMusic
* Music Link: https://youtu.be/c-XpTMGPQvI
* **Electric Ambience 2** - Old machine buzzing by Gerardo Garcia Jr. from dreamstime.com
* **Island Meet and Greet** - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
* Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* **Nano Hoedown** - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
* Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* **Please** - Wayne Jones
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujuz1Y0jEMA&ab_channel=LIMORecordingStudio
==== Miscellaneous Images and Icons ====
* **Mute Icon** - https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mute_709552
* **Fire Background** - https://unsplash.com/photos/fzfDRXUya-s
* **Camera Viewfinder** - Frame vector created by BiZkettE1 - www.freepik.com
* https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/camera-viewfinderframe_5093632.htm
* **Paint Palette** - https://pixabay.com/illustrations/paint-brushes-the-palette-painting1945856/
* **Paint Palette Paint Splash** -https://pixabay.com/illustrations/paint-brush-pallet-splash-painting5702384/
* **No Symbol** - https://pixabay.com/vectors/red-circle-backslash-no-symbol-24018/
* **Soldiers** -https://pixabay.com/photos/soldiers-army-military-operation-1002/
* **Chess** -https://pixabay.com/photos/chess-board-game-fireside-strategy-2489553/
* **Raspberries and Blueberries** - https://pixabay.com/photos/raspberries-blueberry-fruit-food-5163812/
* **Vs Background** - Sports vector created by starline - www.freepik.com
* https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/battle-versus-vs-background-sportsgame_6972706.htm
* **Stabbed in Back Cartoon** - https://www.rawpixel.com/image/407852/free-illustration-image-back-behind-betrayal
* **Water Faucet** - https://pixabay.com/photos/faucet-fountain-water-1684902/
* **Turkey** - https://pngimg.com/image/58582
* **Whale** - https://www.pngaaa.com/detail/117827
* **£20 House** - https://pixabay.com/photos/house-bank-banking-bills-british-1239420/
* **£5 notes** - https://pixabay.com/photos/five-pound-note-cash-money-pound-1775774/
* **Piggy Bank** - https://www.rawpixel.com/image/2364484/free-illustration-png-money-piggy-bank-pig
* **Pound Coin** - https://pixabay.com/photos/pound-coin-british-new-money-3005885/
* **Aubergine** - https://pixabay.com/photos/aubergine-brinjal-eggplant-89044/
* **Yacht** - http://www.pngpix.com/download/yacht-boat-png-transparent-image
* **Friends on Mountain** - Helena Lopes, https://unsplash.com/photos/DkGIAjlIJu0
* **Icy Landscape** - https://pixabay.com/photos/ice-floe-cold-nature-blue-white-690964/
* **Homework Book** - https://pixabay.com/photos/book-education-paper-homework-1853677/
* **Light at the End of the Tunnel** - https://pixabay.com/photos/tunnel-light-hope-mystical-black-3915169/
* **Tank** - https://pixabay.com/photos/tank-war-battlefield-army-shells-449772/
* **Helicopter** - https://pixabay.com/photos/apache-helicopter-military-aircraft-792579/
* **Hoodie** - https://www.pngitem.com/middle/TTiJbww_hoodie-transparent-blue-blue-jacket-withhood-hd/
* **Unfriended Gif** - https://www.giphy.com
* **8 Ball Icon** - https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/pool-eight-ball_62894
* **Cracked Screen** - http://www.pngall.com/broken-glass-png/download/51587
* **Clippy** - https://www.pngfind.com/mpng/iTxiiRT_transparent-paperclip-gif-clippy-the-paperclipgif-hd/
* **Scratch Cat** - http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1933770.htm
=== Image(s) and/or Footage used under license from Shutterstock.com ===
* **Forest Fire** - Peter J. Wilson
* https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/bushfireburning-orange-red-night-48032821
* **Warship** - Alex Stemmer
* https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/grey-modernwarship-sailing-still-water-409858375
* **Argument** - Syda Productions
* https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/bullyingfriendship-people-concept-two-teenagers-166601969
* **Teacher’s Lounge** - Rade Kovac
* https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/officeinterior-retro-style-24076684
* **Binary Code** - alexslb
* https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/binary-code-zeroone-matrix-computer-1052037374
* **Crown Icon** - Vector Icon Flat
* https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/crown-iconsvector-illustration-152827382
==== Zoom Backgrounds Used by Actors ====
* **Richard Head**
* https://unsplash.com/photos/bt-AYttMuww
* https://unsplash.com/photos/8lnbXtxFGZw
* **Sidney**
* https://babbletop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/bee-movie.jpg
* Bee Movie (2007) DreamWorks
* **Fartacus**
* https://pericror.com/zoom-background/spongebob-zoom-background/
* https://www.reddit.com/r/SmashBrosUltimate/comments/ajy2ot/heres_a_blank_final_zoom_background_for_anyone/
* https://wallpaperaccess.com/uhd-3840-2160
* https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me%C3%9Fdorfer_Feld#/media/Datei:Messdorfer_Feld.jpg
* **Instrumentalists**
* https://www.clipstock.com/clip/old-church-organ-pipes
* https://www.shutterstock.com/de/video/clip-2577338-dark-red-flowing-curtain-opensreveal-whats
* **Mickey**
* **Anakin** - https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/star-wars-anakin-skywalker-hayden-christensenkenobi-serie,3359932.html
* Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) Lucasfilm Ltd.
* **Judas** - https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/read-this/musicals-five-best-highlights-watchhome-2886805
* **Lando** - https://images.app.goo.gl/PuGqvPEWc2gV8B817
* Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (1980) Lucasfilm Ltd.
* Lotso: https://images.app.goo.gl/bL2qcqEQXCRaZpdK6
* Hans: https://images.app.goo.gl/ZV1Sy5KMA9qXisCK9
* Frozen (2013) Walt Disney Pictures
* Snape: https://observatoriodocinema.uol.com.br/listas/2019/06/severus-snape-nao-foivilao-em-harry-potter-e-temos-as-provas
* Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2009) Warner Bros. Pictures
* Traitor: https://apsgeyser.blogspot.com/2019/07/disney-meme-game-uk.html
* Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) Lucasfilm Ltd.
===== Script and Programme =====
{{ :shows:waiting_for_george_o_programme.pdf |}}
===== Flosscar Wins =====
|**Best Heroic Character**| Olly - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//|
|**Best Morally Ambiguous Character**| Mickey - [[member: Chloe Pavey]] // (St. Anne's)//|
|**Best Couple**|Izzy and KJ - [[member: Kay Barrett]] //(St Hilda’s)// and [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//|
|**Best Spurious Accent**|Olly - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//|
|**Best Directing Team**|[[member: Will Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//; [[member: Jake Caudwell]] //(Magdalen)//; Jahnavi Bhatia|
|**Best Marketing Campaign**| [[member: Chloe Pavey]]; [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//; [[member: Ana Pagu]] //(Linacre)//; [[member:Aleksandra Matkowska]] //(Keble))//|
|**Best Performance of a Song**|Do You Want to Join a Death Cult? - [[member: Aleksandra Matkowska]] //(Keble)//|
|**Best Costume**|8 Ball Cult - [[member: Valeriia Gladkova]] //(Merton)//; [[member:Maya Walker]]; [[member: Charlie Howley]] //(LMH)//; Jahnavi Bhatia|
|**Best Worst VFX**|The Hacker Bullet - [[member: Will Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//|
|**Best Best VFX**|The entirety of scene 1.4 (the documentary) in George O - [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//|
|**Best Noise From a Castmember**|HERETIC - [[member: Valeriia Gladkova]] //(Merton)//|
|**Best Soundscape**|Mathrifice Chanting - [[member: Fen Brunt]] //(Mansfield)//; [[member: Ali Witheford]] //(Magdalen)//; [[member: Valeriia Gladkova]] //(Merton)//|
|**Best Quote from a Script**|"His father had made his money smuggling goods into Turkey, later changing to Whales, as they were much bigger animals." - [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury]]; [[member: Em Fawcett]] //(Wadham)//; [[member: Ekin Pehlivan]]|
|**The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty**|All the editing teams for everything ever - [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//; [[member: Fen Brunt]] //(Mansfield)//; [[member: Valeriia Gladkova]] //(Merton)//; George Sutherland; [[member:Maya Walker]]; [[member: Will Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//; [[member:Branoc Richards]] //(Associate MCR at Magdalen)//; [[member: Aleksandra Matkowska]] //(Keble)//; [[member: Alice Hackney]] //(St John’s)//|
===== Flosscars Nominations =====
|**Best Heroic Character**| Izzy - [[member: Kay Barrett]] //(St Hilda’s)// \\ KJ - [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//|
|**Best Villainous Character**|Spockrates - [[member: Em Fawcett]] //(Wadham)// \\ Broken-Colour Daniel - [[member: Alice Hackney]] //(St John’s)// \\ Lunchables - [[member: Velina Robinson]] //(Mansfield)// \\ Mr Gains - [[member: Tom Vallely]] //(Somerville)//|
|**Best Group/Double Act**|8 Ball Cult - [[member: Valeriia Gladkova]] //(Merton)//; [[member:Maya Walker]]; [[member: Charlie Howley]] //(LMH)//; Jahnavi Bhatia \\ The Teachers - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//; [[member: Bethan Chalmers]] //(St Hilda’s)//; [[member: Tom Vallely]] //(Somerville)//; [[member: Jake Caudwell]] //(Magdalen)//|
|**Best Script**|[[member: Em Fawcett]] //(Wadham)// and [[member: Ekin Pehlivan]]|
|**Best Song**|Fork it, Let's Have a Picnic - [[member: Tobi Wedel]] //(Worcester)//; [[member: Tom Vallely]] //(Somerville)//; [[member: Ed Tansley]] //(St Anne’s)//|
|**Best Costume**|Sidney - [[member: Aleksandra Matkowska]] //(Keble)// \\ Olly - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//|
|**Best Worst Prop**|Magic 8 Ball - [[member:Maya Walker]] //(St Anne’s)// \\ Sidney's Bee Glasses - [[member: Aleksandra Matkowska]] //(Keble)// \\ Sidney's Paper 8 Ball - [[member: Aleksandra Matkowska]] //(Keble)// \\ Kevin (he returns) - [[member: Em Fawcett]] //(Wadham)//|
|**Best Best Prop**| Magic 8 Ball - [[member:Maya Walker]] //(St Anne’s)// \\ Spockrates' Ban Hammer - [[member: Em Fawcett]] //(Wadham)// \\ Elaine's Coffee Cup Voodoo Doll - [[member: Ana Pagu]] //(Linacre)// \\ Sharpie Girl's Replacement 8 Ball Orange - [[member:Maya Walker]] //(St Anne’s)//|
|**Best Worst SFX**|Ban Buzzer - [[member: Will Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)// \\ HTML's Fart Noise - [[member: Will Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//|
|**Best Best SFX**|Magic 8 Ball Shake - [[member: Fen Brunt]] //(Mansfield)//|
|**Best Best VFX**|The magic 8 ball actually displaying an answer - [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)// \\ The Hack-Off and other hacker effects - [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)// \\ Olly's Death - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//; [[member: Will Ainsworth]] //(Teddy Hall)//; [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)// \\ Lunchables snatching Izzy's crown - [[member: Velina Robinson]] //(Mansfield)//; [[member: Kay Barrett]] //(St Hilda’s)//; [[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)//|
|**Best Cock-Up Backstage or During a Rehearsal**|Branoc's 'dover sole' cooking video playing during a recording and freaking everyone out - [[member:Branoc Richards]] //(Associate MCR at Magdalen)//|
|**Best Quote from a Script**|"Cleanse me of Sin, Cos, and Tan!" - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//; [[member: Em Fawcett]] //(Wadham)//; [[member: Ekin Pehlivan]]|
|**The “Ooh You Luvvie” Award for Actually Being Able to Act**|[[member:Charlie Gill]] //(Green Templeton)// for KJ \\ [[member: Kay Barrett]] //(St Hilda’s)// for Izzy \\ [[member: Valeriia Gladkova]] //(Merton)// for Other Neil \\ [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)// for Olly and Mrs Fenkins|
|**The ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ Award for Going Beyond the Call of Duty**|Ana for all the fantastic art and graphics for Cinderella and George O - [[member: Ana Pagu]] //(Linacre)// \\ Lily for doing all the marketing scribbles - [[member: Lily Miles]] //(Actual Adult)//|
{{topic>george o +song list&nodesc&nouser&nodate}}